How to grow ginger in the greenhouse
A few years ago I came across a pamphlet titled "Stronger than ginseng. The healing properties of ginger. " I collect these books, because I think that despite the fact that at the present time any information almost instantly available from the Internet, paper books somehow safer and more pleasant, and when you move out of the city to the ground - just priceless.
In this book there is a chapter on the cultivation of ginger in the home. I was amused by the phrase that the most difficult thing in this process - to find a suitable planting material, ie, ginger root with intact kidney. It turned out the author was aware of what he is talking - all bought in the supermarket I was ginger with broken kidneys that do not germinate on the counter
. More than a month, I regularly visited the stores in search of suitable roots, but nothing has been found. As a result, tubers ginger shoots hatched brought me from Germany. Reassured that the main thing in the cultivation of ginger is done, I put ginger in a prominent place to drop him as a soon as possible in a greenhouse.
So he spent almost 2 months - that I had more urgent business, then I left Zapolyanya in Moscow, just forget about it. Finally, in early June, ginger was still planted in vegetary, and I waited for germination. Shoots were not very long - even a couple of times, I unearthed tubers to see what is there business - whether someone ate, whether he withered, or rotten
. Ginger was all right - it seems that he paid me in kind and not in a hurry. Almost a month after the landing of the ground appeared shoots and began to grow very quickly. By this time, there is little hope that ginger sprout, I hoisted him cucumbers (also very "late" for the sake of the experiment).
And so we began to compete with ginger cucumber, who quickly growing - and growing by leaps and bounds. Very nice to get bed - the sharp leaves of ginger and cucumber spreading "lopushki". Passing by, I felt a wonderful lemon scent - so the smell of ginger leaves. When rubbed, the smell intensified. Ginger leaves, as root, can be added to salad and tea, but I was sorry to pluck them.
After a while it became clear that the cucumber wins in the competition for a place in the garden - he slurred his mustache around the tops of the stems of ginger, and did not give him the leaves unfold. In November, apparently stuck night frosts, the leaves turned yellow ginger. I pulled out a stalk - on the roots was a small tuber. I wanted to compare my ginger grown from the purchased.
It is clear that my lost much in size - too late I had planted, it takes at least six months to build up the tubers ginger. However, to my taste it was even more pungent, can on what is fresh. And fibers in it did not have, in the pamphlet was written that the fibers are formed in old overwintered tubers. Almost all of the ginger I have left for the winter in the greenhouse.
I'm not sure that he will stand successfully, but there is probably a chance - covered him with a thick layer of sawdust. In the spring I will see what came of it - it would certainly be nice to have already planted ginger, to once again not to miss the planting dates)). And in general - the conclusion is the same as with watermelon in the greenhouse - it is necessary to put in time!

In this book there is a chapter on the cultivation of ginger in the home. I was amused by the phrase that the most difficult thing in this process - to find a suitable planting material, ie, ginger root with intact kidney. It turned out the author was aware of what he is talking - all bought in the supermarket I was ginger with broken kidneys that do not germinate on the counter
. More than a month, I regularly visited the stores in search of suitable roots, but nothing has been found. As a result, tubers ginger shoots hatched brought me from Germany. Reassured that the main thing in the cultivation of ginger is done, I put ginger in a prominent place to drop him as a soon as possible in a greenhouse.
So he spent almost 2 months - that I had more urgent business, then I left Zapolyanya in Moscow, just forget about it. Finally, in early June, ginger was still planted in vegetary, and I waited for germination. Shoots were not very long - even a couple of times, I unearthed tubers to see what is there business - whether someone ate, whether he withered, or rotten
. Ginger was all right - it seems that he paid me in kind and not in a hurry. Almost a month after the landing of the ground appeared shoots and began to grow very quickly. By this time, there is little hope that ginger sprout, I hoisted him cucumbers (also very "late" for the sake of the experiment).

And so we began to compete with ginger cucumber, who quickly growing - and growing by leaps and bounds. Very nice to get bed - the sharp leaves of ginger and cucumber spreading "lopushki". Passing by, I felt a wonderful lemon scent - so the smell of ginger leaves. When rubbed, the smell intensified. Ginger leaves, as root, can be added to salad and tea, but I was sorry to pluck them.

After a while it became clear that the cucumber wins in the competition for a place in the garden - he slurred his mustache around the tops of the stems of ginger, and did not give him the leaves unfold. In November, apparently stuck night frosts, the leaves turned yellow ginger. I pulled out a stalk - on the roots was a small tuber. I wanted to compare my ginger grown from the purchased.

It is clear that my lost much in size - too late I had planted, it takes at least six months to build up the tubers ginger. However, to my taste it was even more pungent, can on what is fresh. And fibers in it did not have, in the pamphlet was written that the fibers are formed in old overwintered tubers. Almost all of the ginger I have left for the winter in the greenhouse.
I'm not sure that he will stand successfully, but there is probably a chance - covered him with a thick layer of sawdust. In the spring I will see what came of it - it would certainly be nice to have already planted ginger, to once again not to miss the planting dates)). And in general - the conclusion is the same as with watermelon in the greenhouse - it is necessary to put in time!
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