Victim behavior, or how we do attract trouble to himself

© Nancy Fouts
Victimization, victim behavior (from the English victim -. The victim) - the human propensity to fall into situations of danger to life and health. In particular, the actions and human actions that provoke a desire to attack him. More soft option - it is human actions that increase the likelihood that it will get into some very nasty situation
. Feminists protest against this term, insisting that victimology justifies violence, shifting the blame on the victim, which is de due to careless behavior "is to blame." Thanks to the efforts of feminists term "victimization" was rarely used in Western criminology, but quickly migrated to the jargon of psychologists to describe the mindless and provocative behavior of people who organize themselves in serious trouble from scratch.
In contrast, the masochist, the man with the victim behavior does not want to suffer, but satisfied himself in trouble simply because they often live "without a head" and performs basic behavioral mistakes. What?
behavior Insolent men adhere to a variety of women, but most of all to those who, they feel, will from this trembling and afraid. The helplessness of the victim and the abuser draws insolent.
American professor Betty Grayson conducted an interesting experiment. She filed sitting in different prisons and absolutely unconnected criminals videotape depicting people walking on the street. They were simple passers-by, belonging to different social and age groups, and not knowing that they are removed. That is to say, they behaved quite naturally, and the video reflects the real scene of life. Researchers have proposed the prisoners to determine which of the image on the film they would choose as their victims. It is amazing but true that most pointed to the same people. The ideal object for attack looks something like this: hunched shoulders, shackled movement, sluggish, extinct, avoiding eye contact, lowered head, trudging gait awkward. Indicative and degree of involvement in the world -. Man, lost in deep thought and not noticing what was going on around him, is vulnerable
Total: if she freezes in horror, all the shaking, but is silent or helpless shrugs off the brazen harassment, this is exactly the behavior that is most attractive to those who it entertains. To ensure women are able to harassment calmly turn his head and say: "Man, you have some difficulties," stick much less frequently.
Morality - Master the quiet presence, learning confident behavior. Useful skills!
Provocation or elementary carelessness in the crime situation
If you are in the street used to have to get a huge wad of money to count it and flourish, then your chances that someone is interested in you and in the end, ogreyut on the head and take away your money - on such an event increases the chances. Girls who sit late on random machines or the more vote on a deserted road at three in the morning, more victimization than the other girls, who are already at six o'clock in the evening return home on the bus.
Even the habit of a girl staring into the eyes of men, not understanding that it is for man and how he can decipher, at least in the Russian reality, it can do a bad service.
In general, it is very important not to make eye contact with the suspect, showed the aggressive intention of the subject. This simple recommendation gave a great connoisseur of animal psychology Konrad Lorenz. In his book "King Solomon's Ring", he wrote, that at the meeting with an unfamiliar dog in any case can not be staring into her eyes. Animal treats this view as a challenge and often in a hurry to respond aggressively. The criminal, possessed by primitive instincts, something like an animal. So that no four-legged or two-legged beast is better this way not to tease.
his eyes look into the eyes between loving people - a declaration of love, and gaze towards the girl unknown man most men perceive as an invitation to an active acquaintance. She did not think a man is aroused. How will this situation razrulivat?
Aggression aggression on
Strong people are usually polite to strangers. This is a normal evolutionary mechanism described more professor-ethologist B. Dol'nikov in the book "Naughty child of the biosphere" where he analyzed why the most violent fights occur during the breeding period of the weak animals, while the animals are able to easily kill enemy of its kind usually limited ritual fights polite contactless dancing. Pigeons peck to death the competition to the blood, and snakes are only to each other on their tails swaying, but not trying to stab his opponent's fangs. And all because that snakes behave differently on the planet would soon be all gone snakes, except Uzhikov. We have the same. Strong and easy to flow into the fury of the people soon discover that in society the ability to behave pleasantly more important than the ability to take your opponent's head (and those who did not find out very soon find themselves either in jail or in the cemetery). The inability to control his aggression is victim behavior for such a person.
Easy to apologize when you pushed, much more polite and simply wiser than human push back and start dismantling.
The suicidal zeal
Surprisingly, the most jealous men choose the most unstable women, but not the girl standing ties to entertain themselves very jealous men. What can I say? Who will kill this man - himself a Man is hard to say; and you take your decision - you need it
? Extreme sports
As sad as it sounds, but almost every young person who buys an expensive motorcycle or snowmobile, in fact the future suicide. By the way, another name for snowmobiles - "killer of the oligarchs." People who jump with the skateboard on a snowboard, engaged in canyoning, babblingom, diving, base jumping and confident that the car does not know how to ride less than a hundred thirty kilometers per hour - these are people who play with death in a very dangerous game.
After that I saw in the hospital dozens of paragliders lovers, now permanently confined to a wheelchair due to fractured spine and leg paralysis - one of my friends on a paraglider is not fly, rest assured. I'll take care of them, they gave me another road.