10 The rules of this woman
1. This woman attracts men to their internal state - in the first place.
Outside, intelligence, age, social status, quality of character - all this, in fact, deeply again. The state attracted to men - it's yours to enjoy themselves and their lives. Enjoy yourself - it is not an easy art, but mastered it, you become a strong magnet
. 2. Love for man starts with self-love.
Usually, we think the opposite: "When someone loves me, then I will love myself." But as long as women are not going to happen with the novel itself, every man is going for it is only the therapist, trying to cure her of rejection itself, and fear of being alone. True, deep love comes from a state of fullness. Then the love of a man born in his highest manifestation - like giving myself to him, and not as a desperate attempt to be someone you need to feel their own usefulness
3. The man does not like the woman herself, and his fortune with her.
STATE. A woman who creates a special condition in men - men, will always be a success and fans. By this special state of man will last, like a magnet. This woman cultivates a feminine, to bestow her men (favorite, fans, friends, acquaintances, passers). Therefore, this woman - this is not the most beautiful, most do not get tired and certainly not the most successful socially. This woman gives a man no mind, no beauty, no body, no progress, and the state.
4. The desire to love is born within.
It usually has nothing to do with whether there is decent for this property is surrounded by a real woman. When a woman thinks that "not from whom to choose," and that there are no men around her worthy of her love, it can say that it is not ready to love. She wants something else. She might be afraid to love. And those "unworthy" men who have around, just reflect her inner state. As soon as a woman matures to a deep love of the true, the question "is worthy - not worthy" ceases to be the paramount nature of
. 5. The generosity of love Women are attracted to her love.
If a woman wants to be loved, it should be able to saturate the love of everything that comes into contact. Give it, enjoy it, show it, to think and talk about it. Love should be inhaling and exhaling, not just breath. If you exhale love, it will find you naturally.
6. Men - The Gods is
. Any man - God. Exactly. If he does not make an impression on you God, then you "see through the eyes of" critical reason. God may be manifested in him only one percent. His life had not met this woman who would be breathed into him self-confidence. This woman sees in men of the Gods. This woman does not compete with men and does not prove them its perfection. It should not modify or raises. She sees all that is best in each of them. This woman loves, appreciates and respects the men do, as a class. Such a position makes room for interesting and worthy men in her life.
7. In order to charm men, woman herself must be fascinated.
If a woman wants to inspire men - it must itself remain in a state of inspiration. If a woman wants to ignite it, it must itself be a small flame. "Fascination" Women - it was her love for life, in their own little secrets, romance and mystery. No matter what woman fascinated. "Fascination" creates an inner light that it is impossible not to feel.
8. Next to the real woman is always a feat.
It creates it. A woman in a man excites the desire to prove himself strong, not imposing his duty "you must", but gently inviting fairy tale "The Princess and the Hero." It creates the illusion of touching helplessness and vulnerability, awakening in man the desire to commit acts, the result of which will be its eyes and enthusiastic admiration for him. This woman prepares a man to commit acts gradually and imperceptibly, nothing to do without, just being in the form of delicate, fragile young ladies.
9. This woman is not involved in the feminist women's clubs.
This woman will not make generalizations like "All of them ...". She knows that all men - are different. Every woman creates the universe, and it is surrounded by the men, whom she draws into your life. It will not blow the fire of inter-gender war and revel in the imperfection of the universe. Talking to friends about your man, it will not focus on his flaws, criticize and devalue, exposing him unworthy.
10. This woman even unpleasant things able to speak correctly and kindly.
She tells them to men in a way that does not humiliate them, and pushes to change for the better. This is a great women's art - be friendly, even when it should be said about the shortcomings and mistakes. It is important that the women said, but how she says it. She says, maintaining a sense of self-worth and dignity of the person to whom she spoke. She knows that even criticism can be submitted so that it inspires feat. However, it always leaves a man a choice: change or not.
Outside, intelligence, age, social status, quality of character - all this, in fact, deeply again. The state attracted to men - it's yours to enjoy themselves and their lives. Enjoy yourself - it is not an easy art, but mastered it, you become a strong magnet
. 2. Love for man starts with self-love.
Usually, we think the opposite: "When someone loves me, then I will love myself." But as long as women are not going to happen with the novel itself, every man is going for it is only the therapist, trying to cure her of rejection itself, and fear of being alone. True, deep love comes from a state of fullness. Then the love of a man born in his highest manifestation - like giving myself to him, and not as a desperate attempt to be someone you need to feel their own usefulness

3. The man does not like the woman herself, and his fortune with her.
STATE. A woman who creates a special condition in men - men, will always be a success and fans. By this special state of man will last, like a magnet. This woman cultivates a feminine, to bestow her men (favorite, fans, friends, acquaintances, passers). Therefore, this woman - this is not the most beautiful, most do not get tired and certainly not the most successful socially. This woman gives a man no mind, no beauty, no body, no progress, and the state.
4. The desire to love is born within.
It usually has nothing to do with whether there is decent for this property is surrounded by a real woman. When a woman thinks that "not from whom to choose," and that there are no men around her worthy of her love, it can say that it is not ready to love. She wants something else. She might be afraid to love. And those "unworthy" men who have around, just reflect her inner state. As soon as a woman matures to a deep love of the true, the question "is worthy - not worthy" ceases to be the paramount nature of
. 5. The generosity of love Women are attracted to her love.
If a woman wants to be loved, it should be able to saturate the love of everything that comes into contact. Give it, enjoy it, show it, to think and talk about it. Love should be inhaling and exhaling, not just breath. If you exhale love, it will find you naturally.
6. Men - The Gods is
. Any man - God. Exactly. If he does not make an impression on you God, then you "see through the eyes of" critical reason. God may be manifested in him only one percent. His life had not met this woman who would be breathed into him self-confidence. This woman sees in men of the Gods. This woman does not compete with men and does not prove them its perfection. It should not modify or raises. She sees all that is best in each of them. This woman loves, appreciates and respects the men do, as a class. Such a position makes room for interesting and worthy men in her life.
7. In order to charm men, woman herself must be fascinated.
If a woman wants to inspire men - it must itself remain in a state of inspiration. If a woman wants to ignite it, it must itself be a small flame. "Fascination" Women - it was her love for life, in their own little secrets, romance and mystery. No matter what woman fascinated. "Fascination" creates an inner light that it is impossible not to feel.
8. Next to the real woman is always a feat.
It creates it. A woman in a man excites the desire to prove himself strong, not imposing his duty "you must", but gently inviting fairy tale "The Princess and the Hero." It creates the illusion of touching helplessness and vulnerability, awakening in man the desire to commit acts, the result of which will be its eyes and enthusiastic admiration for him. This woman prepares a man to commit acts gradually and imperceptibly, nothing to do without, just being in the form of delicate, fragile young ladies.
9. This woman is not involved in the feminist women's clubs.
This woman will not make generalizations like "All of them ...". She knows that all men - are different. Every woman creates the universe, and it is surrounded by the men, whom she draws into your life. It will not blow the fire of inter-gender war and revel in the imperfection of the universe. Talking to friends about your man, it will not focus on his flaws, criticize and devalue, exposing him unworthy.
10. This woman even unpleasant things able to speak correctly and kindly.
She tells them to men in a way that does not humiliate them, and pushes to change for the better. This is a great women's art - be friendly, even when it should be said about the shortcomings and mistakes. It is important that the women said, but how she says it. She says, maintaining a sense of self-worth and dignity of the person to whom she spoke. She knows that even criticism can be submitted so that it inspires feat. However, it always leaves a man a choice: change or not.
Personal relationships: an extremely important rule!
The more dangerous for women training if the leading man