7 lessons from a woman who earned a billion

This woman - Sara Blakely (Sara Blakely), the founder of a startup Spanx. She is now 41. She worked seller faxes to some company. In 2000, Sarah gained invested $ 5,000 in the development of slimming garments for women. It all started with the fact that she snapped at the heels stockings. She liked it. At the same time Sarah did not go to work until the sale of its goods is not exceeded one million dollars.
Sara fresh, bursting with joy, success and wants passionately to help women look their best. In the last 50 years, women were not terribly uncomfortable clothes size. And she took and resolved the issue.
Sarah repeatedly surprised by the phenomenal stories of entrepreneurial success. Here are 7 lessons that can be learned on its way from the seller to fax business superstars:
1. The failure should be large.
Every day Sarah Pope asked: "Tell me that you did not work today?". If the failure was not the father was upset. The concentration on large failures allowed her to understand that failure - this is not the final result, and the lack of effort. This stagnation in their comfort zone, this is the cessation of attempts to be better than yesterday.
2. Visualize.
Sarah - a big fan of visualization of its main goals and concrete steps. She imagined herself on Oprah for 15 years before it come. She just knew that this would happen. In her mind she clearly saw the couch, Oprah Winfrey, and his conversation with her. Then it remains only to insert the missing pieces in this puzzle.
3. Do not share brittle ideas too soon.
Sarah whole year kept the idea of a new type of underwear for women before they develop the first prototype. Only after she was 100% ready to start, she met with friends and talked about her work. Sarah says that the idea is too fragile and vulnerable. Wait it to the moment when everything is ready. Wishing you only the good, the people will offer you plenty of reasons why it will not work. But by that time you will have the answers to everything.
4. Do not accept "no" as a final answer.
Sarah was associated with a large number of producers and lawyers to patent his idea and create a good sample. Whenever asked her who she was and who is behind it. When she replied that she was just Sarah, everyone said "no." While one manufacturer said "ok". Why? He talked about the idea of their daughters, and that she loved it.
5. Hire people who you like and who you trust.
Even if they have little knowledge of the fact that they may need. Sarah hired a manager for product development and PR-director of his friends, of those who supported it from the beginning. None of them did not know the areas in which work started, but Sarah was certain that they will cope with new roles, and they were able to.
6. Optionally, in order to move.
Sarah was so passionately absorbed in product development every question that pops up on the way, hesitated as they appear, and not in the order that would be best for a smooth start. She agreed to a deal with a major retailer Neiman Marcus before organized a method of mass production of one important detail of their clothes. She agreed with Oprah for a meeting in his office when she and more office-it was not. Everything went well.
7. You will be able to understand what you want.
Do you have the ability. Sarah did not know absolutely nothing about women's underwear, patents, production, marketing and online trading. But that did not stop her. She studied desired her questions, hired people to do what she does not know, and move forward with tireless energy. Do not drop the idea, if you think you have something missing.