7, vitamin drinks to catch spring mood

After the long winter the body more than ever need to recover. But you do not swallow pills to get the necessary micronutrients - can simply be folded into a blender fruit and vegetables and nutritious treat yourself to a cocktail
Website has found 7 drinks each -. A real vitamin bomb.
Kiwi, lime, pomegranate

you'll need:
6 large kiwi 4 lime 1 large pomegranate Preparation:
Kiwi fruit peel and cut into large cubes and limes cut in half. Cut from the middle of one lime 2 thin slices and set aside. Squeeze the juice from the lime halves. Garnet broke in half and select grains. Slices of kiwi and lime juice is placed in a high capacity, and grind using a hand blender. In a glass put slices of lime and pomegranate seeds, then pour the pureed kiwi.
Apple, almonds

you'll need:
5 almonds 1 apple < 1 banana 1/2 cup of milk 1/4 hours. l. cinnamon Preparation:
With Banana Peel an apple cut in half and remove seeds. Cut the fruit into cubes, put in a high capacity, add almonds, milk and cinnamon and pyurirovat using a hand blender. For beauty sprinkle with cinnamon, and you can drink.
Beetroot, orange, ginger

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you'll need:
1/4 medium beets 1 orange 2 small carrots a piece of ginger Preparation:
Beets clean, cut into pieces and grind with a blender. Remove the prepared drink because it can not be directly foam juice and let it stand at least a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Orange peel and disassemble into slices, carrots and ginger peel and cut into cubes. All ingredients, including beet juice, placed in one container and pyurirovat using a blender.
Apple, celery

you'll need:
1 cucumber 1 green apple li > 200 g celery 1 lime or lemon dill or parsley Preparation:
Cucumber, apple, celery and greens cut into pieces and grind with a blender. From lime to squeeze the juice, add to vegetable puree and mix well.
ginger, pineapple

you need:
1 banana 1 fresh ripe pineapple a piece of fresh ginger 1 / 2 cups Greek yogurt (you can substitute milk) Preparation:
Banana, pineapple and ginger peel and cut into cubes. Put in a high capacity, add yogurt and pyurirovat using a blender. To taste this drink will be similar to non-alcoholic Pina Colada.
Dates, bananas

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you'll need:
1 or 2 Tamarind pitted 1 banana < 1 cup of almond or cow's milk 1/4 hours. l. cinnamon Preparation:
Banana peel, all products are put in a high capacity and pyurirovat using a blender.
Orange, carrot, banana

you'll need:
2 medium carrots 1 apple < / 1 banana 1 orange a handful of oatmeal 1/2 liter of orange juice Preparation:
All products are clean, of apples and oranges, remove the stones. Cut all the cubes, put in a high capacity and chop. Add oatmeal and again mix well, then add the orange juice and how to whisk. Vkusnoty!
The Source: Recipes from Bok, farmilly, k1
via www.k1.ua/ru/