Strawberries from seed: 10 rules of success
Not every summer residents come to mind to grow this crop of seeds. And what is the explanation - the process is fairly labor-intensive. But what was the result! Seedlings obtained from seeds is not a disease that is transmitted through the whiskers from the mother plant kiddies. Yes, and you can find more interesting varieties.
The best period of sowing seeds for seedlings - 20-th of January to the end of February. In this case, it is time to fly to develop into a full-fledged plant and probably will harvest later this year.
But in order to grow good seedlings, we must comply with 10 important rules.
1. Select only fresh seeds. In strawberries, they lose their germination in two years. Therefore, when buying select only those whose realization term ends in a year. That is, if you buy them now, on the package should be written. "Implementation period up to 2017»
2. decontaminated soil and the container. Sprouts have strawberries are very thin, delicate, and at the beginning of its development, it is easily affected by fungal diseases. Therefore, before planting, the soil should be ignited in the oven or microwave.
By the way, in an ordinary vegetable garden or purchase land to plant strawberries undesirable. It is best to prepare the soil itself. Ideal - a mixture of sand, compost and garden soil (3: 1: 1)
. As a container for seedlings is better to use clear plastic containers - they are worse than taking root mold. Before planting, they should be thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated - clean the strong solution of potassium permanganate
. 3. To sustain the crops in the refrigerator. To strawberry seeds sprouted, they need stratification. Spend it like this: the soil is poured into a container, lack of sleep to the edge of 2 cm at the top tightly packed snow (flush with the edges), it laid out the seeds and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3 days.. Snow will gradually melt and drag away the seeds into the soil - just the desired depth
. After the seeds stood in the cold, take out container and put in a warm light place.
4. Cover with foil. Seeds sprout strawberry long time - up to 30 days. And all this time the soil should be kept moist. Therefore, the capacity (if no lid) it is best to close the food stretch film. Every day it is necessary to remove and wipe the container wall moisture droplets.
Finally, remove the film, when the shoots appear 2-3 pairs of true leaves.
Typically, the moisture that got in the way of melting snow, enough to germination. But when the ground began to dry up, it is necessary to moisten a sprayer. And in the water it is necessary to add any antifungal drug (according to instructions).
5. Provide good lighting. Seeds germinate in the light of strawberries. But winter is very short day, and sunlight they lack. Therefore, crops need to provide additional illumination. Ideal - a special fitolampy. And if it is not - fluorescent
amiss. Highlight strawberry crops need 12 hours a day. The best thing from 8.00 to 20.00.
6. Avoid mold. If you find yourself on the soil surface or pot walls of green, white or brown patina - quickly delete it. To begin with foci of infection should be carefully wipe with paper or cotton wool soaked in potassium permanganate. And then throw the earth any antifungal drug. Otherwise the mold will destroy all the crops.
7. Watering carefully. Shoots from strawberries are very delicate. If you do not say too shabby. Therefore, it must be watered with care. The most convenient way to do it from a teaspoon. It is important not to pour the ground, otherwise the seedlings may develop blackleg.
8. pour the ground. When you see the seedlings of strawberries for the first time, do not immediately believe that this is it. The fact that the adult plant stem length does not happen - it is shorter and the leaves grow, as it were from the ground. But the young zemlyanichki stalk is. But when the leaves begin to gain weight, it falls to the ground and puts additional roots.
However, this moment it is better not to wait. The process can be accelerated if to pour soil over most cotyledons. Then strawberries will let new roots to grow and become better.
9. raspikirovat plants. When young seedlings will be 3-4 pairs of true leaves, they should be raspikirovat in individual cups.
Cans better to take clear - they are easier to track soil moisture, not only on the surface but also in depth
. When swordplay seedlings try not to fall asleep growth point.
10. Tempering before planting in the garden. Since April strawberry seedlings need to make to the balcony for a couple of hours. However, provided that the air temperature is below 0 degrees. And in May, when it gets quite warm, the young plants can be left outdoors even at night.
After this hardening seedlings take root well in the open field.
The best period of sowing seeds for seedlings - 20-th of January to the end of February. In this case, it is time to fly to develop into a full-fledged plant and probably will harvest later this year.

But in order to grow good seedlings, we must comply with 10 important rules.
1. Select only fresh seeds. In strawberries, they lose their germination in two years. Therefore, when buying select only those whose realization term ends in a year. That is, if you buy them now, on the package should be written. "Implementation period up to 2017»
2. decontaminated soil and the container. Sprouts have strawberries are very thin, delicate, and at the beginning of its development, it is easily affected by fungal diseases. Therefore, before planting, the soil should be ignited in the oven or microwave.
By the way, in an ordinary vegetable garden or purchase land to plant strawberries undesirable. It is best to prepare the soil itself. Ideal - a mixture of sand, compost and garden soil (3: 1: 1)
. As a container for seedlings is better to use clear plastic containers - they are worse than taking root mold. Before planting, they should be thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated - clean the strong solution of potassium permanganate
. 3. To sustain the crops in the refrigerator. To strawberry seeds sprouted, they need stratification. Spend it like this: the soil is poured into a container, lack of sleep to the edge of 2 cm at the top tightly packed snow (flush with the edges), it laid out the seeds and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3 days.. Snow will gradually melt and drag away the seeds into the soil - just the desired depth
. After the seeds stood in the cold, take out container and put in a warm light place.
4. Cover with foil. Seeds sprout strawberry long time - up to 30 days. And all this time the soil should be kept moist. Therefore, the capacity (if no lid) it is best to close the food stretch film. Every day it is necessary to remove and wipe the container wall moisture droplets.
Finally, remove the film, when the shoots appear 2-3 pairs of true leaves.
Typically, the moisture that got in the way of melting snow, enough to germination. But when the ground began to dry up, it is necessary to moisten a sprayer. And in the water it is necessary to add any antifungal drug (according to instructions).

5. Provide good lighting. Seeds germinate in the light of strawberries. But winter is very short day, and sunlight they lack. Therefore, crops need to provide additional illumination. Ideal - a special fitolampy. And if it is not - fluorescent
amiss. Highlight strawberry crops need 12 hours a day. The best thing from 8.00 to 20.00.
6. Avoid mold. If you find yourself on the soil surface or pot walls of green, white or brown patina - quickly delete it. To begin with foci of infection should be carefully wipe with paper or cotton wool soaked in potassium permanganate. And then throw the earth any antifungal drug. Otherwise the mold will destroy all the crops.
7. Watering carefully. Shoots from strawberries are very delicate. If you do not say too shabby. Therefore, it must be watered with care. The most convenient way to do it from a teaspoon. It is important not to pour the ground, otherwise the seedlings may develop blackleg.
8. pour the ground. When you see the seedlings of strawberries for the first time, do not immediately believe that this is it. The fact that the adult plant stem length does not happen - it is shorter and the leaves grow, as it were from the ground. But the young zemlyanichki stalk is. But when the leaves begin to gain weight, it falls to the ground and puts additional roots.
However, this moment it is better not to wait. The process can be accelerated if to pour soil over most cotyledons. Then strawberries will let new roots to grow and become better.

9. raspikirovat plants. When young seedlings will be 3-4 pairs of true leaves, they should be raspikirovat in individual cups.
Cans better to take clear - they are easier to track soil moisture, not only on the surface but also in depth
. When swordplay seedlings try not to fall asleep growth point.
10. Tempering before planting in the garden. Since April strawberry seedlings need to make to the balcony for a couple of hours. However, provided that the air temperature is below 0 degrees. And in May, when it gets quite warm, the young plants can be left outdoors even at night.
After this hardening seedlings take root well in the open field.