Ayurvedic Marma massage of the face - an effective means of rejuvenation

Before this massage is very effective, let's meet on March therapy (very briefly, enough to understand a cosmetic effect).
Marma - are biologically active zones which are projections of the vital centers of our body. Marma, which covers a much larger area than acupuncture and acupressure points, a point connections between the physical body and the subtle energy bodies., A compound of the projection of the chakras, meal (channels), etc. Many of marmas associated with specific muscles, organs or tissues, so Marma massage so well harmonizes and balances the body's work.
Knowledge of Marma therapy is always very appreciated, especially in ancient times, in military affairs: injury or blow to the vital point of undermining the power of the enemy. Doctors have also used the knowledge of Marma points for a quick recovery of wounded soldiers in the battle.
In yogoterapiya Marma massage is considered very effective. Impact on Marma massage helps in the process of harmonization of energy and restore functions of various organs, invigorates and helps to relax. Increases energy level, enlivened natural mechanisms of self-healing, self-healing organism.
Different sources of different schools of thought, there are different classifications of these points (by number). According to Sushruta of the 107 most important considered 64 Marma. These in turn are divided into kula Marma (the most important, the damage of which leads to death or very serious injury), cola Marma (stopping, failure of which causes severe pain), etc.
In general, a brief overview of this deep theme is enough to believe in the efficacy of facial Marma massage. Ayurvedic Marma massage is considered a rejuvenating facial.
«How to Do Ayurveda Facial Marma Massage» (in English)
In order to remove blocked energy, Marmo must first massage the counterclockwise direction, and then to the energy content - against. clockwise.
Sometimes it is not clear (when viewing the video, when the doctor performs massage) - which way will the direction "clockwise, counter-clockwise" with self-massage. If you look at yourself in the mirror, it can be quite confused.
The rule is (for self-massage on the brow example, the area of the "third eye"): starting from the right eyebrow massaging in a circular motion downward, to the left eyebrow, up, and again back to the right eyebrow (this is a move counterclockwise)
Reverse movement - starting from the right eyebrow massaging in a circular motion upwards to the left eyebrow, then down and back again to the right eyebrow (this is a move in a clockwise direction)
. And in the same way on the rest of massaging. Hands will always move parallel, rather than towards each other, as in other types of massage. For example, in the temporal part in other types of massage arms move toward the center of the face or from the center, also in the area of nasolabial folds - to the bow or nose of both hands.
The Marma massage movement counterclockwise first opens blocked energy, and the next (clockwise) - saturates. Those. in other techniques of massage one side breaks away from the blocked energy, and the other - is saturated (without removing the block). All this is very schematic, and virtually all types of facial massage gives excellent results (where its methods of influence). I pointed out this difference only for understanding the importance of the direction of the massage movements in accordance with the teachings of marmas.
What cream to massage? The best thing with ghee (the usual, or to insist on triphale).