European manufacturers elektroavtobusov agree on a single standard for elektrozaryadok
A number of well-known bus manufacturers in Europe - Volvo, Solaris, Irizar and the VDL - agreed to work towards establishing a single standard of chargers for electric buses
. The idea is that the charging infrastructure will facilitate the compatibility of some of the problems that accompany adaptation of electric buses, and thereby accelerate its speed.
The new agreement is entirely voluntary. The press release states that the Community is preparing for public transport development of electric buses in Europe, and activities in the field of standardization of chargers started through the European body (CEN-CENELEC), and through an international organization for standardization (ISO / IEC). European standards are expected to come in 2019, and international -. 2020
"However, many cities are now elektroavtobusov system. In order to meet the needs of these cities, European manufacturers Irizar buses, Solaris, VDL and Volvo have with suppliers charging system ABB, Siemens and Heliox jointly develop an open, transparent and voluntary podhod.Obschie best interfaces will be open to all market participants and will be used the opportunity at the end of fast charging and stop charging electric buses during the night. The Group seeks to contribute to the activities of European standardization and to exchange experiences with the CEN / CENELEC and ISO / IEC, with the aim of creating a single European standard for electric buses. »
A unified system will include automatic exposure using a pantograph, wireless communications, contact tables and oborudovaniya.Bystry charging standard will be used as the basis for a plug for connection.
The agreement is open to other participants, as well as any yaih companies (manufacturers, charging infrastructure providers, etc.) who are interested to join in it.
. The idea is that the charging infrastructure will facilitate the compatibility of some of the problems that accompany adaptation of electric buses, and thereby accelerate its speed.

The new agreement is entirely voluntary. The press release states that the Community is preparing for public transport development of electric buses in Europe, and activities in the field of standardization of chargers started through the European body (CEN-CENELEC), and through an international organization for standardization (ISO / IEC). European standards are expected to come in 2019, and international -. 2020
"However, many cities are now elektroavtobusov system. In order to meet the needs of these cities, European manufacturers Irizar buses, Solaris, VDL and Volvo have with suppliers charging system ABB, Siemens and Heliox jointly develop an open, transparent and voluntary podhod.Obschie best interfaces will be open to all market participants and will be used the opportunity at the end of fast charging and stop charging electric buses during the night. The Group seeks to contribute to the activities of European standardization and to exchange experiences with the CEN / CENELEC and ISO / IEC, with the aim of creating a single European standard for electric buses. »
A unified system will include automatic exposure using a pantograph, wireless communications, contact tables and oborudovaniya.Bystry charging standard will be used as the basis for a plug for connection.
The agreement is open to other participants, as well as any yaih companies (manufacturers, charging infrastructure providers, etc.) who are interested to join in it.
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