What were Hollywood actors in the school years
Now all of them celebrities, but also in their life was when they went to school, taught classes, and many at the same time did not differ a good academic performance. Maybe because it was already dreaming of a place in Hollywood.
< Website would be interesting to know what they were then.
Tom Cruz
Jennifer Aniston
Ben Affleck
Mila Kunis
Will Smith
Sandra Bullock
< br>
Angelina Jolie
Leonardo DiCaprio
Lady Gaga
George Clooney
Look also:
15 photos of unexpected childhood heroes then and now
Idols 90 Then and Now
via ivona.bigmir.net/beauty/articles/385988-Dzhennifer-Eniston---45--Legendarnye-pricheski-zvezdy
< Website would be interesting to know what they were then.
Tom Cruz
Jennifer Aniston
Ben Affleck
Mila Kunis
Will Smith
Sandra Bullock
< br>
Angelina Jolie
Leonardo DiCaprio
Lady Gaga
George Clooney
Look also:
15 photos of unexpected childhood heroes then and now
Idols 90 Then and Now
via ivona.bigmir.net/beauty/articles/385988-Dzhennifer-Eniston---45--Legendarnye-pricheski-zvezdy