Famous chef Jamie Oliver has won a lawsuit against McDonald's, proving that this is impossible!

More recently, the world-famous chef Jamie Oliver has won a lawsuit against the largest fast food chains in the world. The chief opened the terrible truth about what does actually prepare delicious meat for burgers and nuggets.
After statements James meals that are prepared at McDonald's can not even be called food. The meat for hamburgers, Big Macs and other "goodies" made from beef fat washed and washed it in the normal ammonium hydroxide. If not for the process, then, according to the chef, the whole range of McDonald's was not impossible that there is, but even look at him without tears.
According to Oliver's restaurant chain is committed to taking a product that is not even a dog has become, and make fit for human consumption ...
But it is not only the fact of outrageous deception in the history of ammonium hydroxide is toxic to the human body. Also, there is not complete without the addition of the products of the process colors.
During the interview, Oliver demonstrated how from fat, skin, and internal organs can be made fit for human meat, and wondered: "Why reasonable person feed their children meat with ammonia." The mixture, which is obtained as a result of the experiment was very similar to the pink slime.
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