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Secrets of McDonald's

McDonald's - a phenomenon. Fast-food chain, which is the grandmother of all the fast food and millions of people criticize and decline in all ways for junk food and eternal crush, and we know Website 9 secrets of this place, which provide him unquestioning uspeh.29 April 1988 representatives of the network of McDonald's restaurants first announced the upcoming opening of its first establishment in Moscow. Since that time, the flow of wanting a quick throw in a pair of hamburger does not dry out, but on the contrary increases.

In the world almost every day offers a new "restaurant" with the golden arches on the sign. And in each of them a girl or boy on hand who are saying, "Free cash, order, please." And a significant role in the success of the network and an endless stream of pilgrims have played tougher standards to be observed anywhere in the world, and a variety of marketing secrets. Ray Kroc, the man who invented the McDonald's in the form in which it exists now, liked to say that he does not work in the food industry, and in show business. And he was damn right.

Site researched in this material Tricks McDonald's, which lure you to one of the thousands of poppies, forced to buy more, faster with this council, to leave, but will definitely go back.

Past proydeteVo not matter much in areas in which there are "Poppies". Conducted company research showed that 70% of decisions about visiting McDonald's taken spontaneously, therefore, build restaurants in places where the probability of such a decision is maximized. Where a lot of people lounging on the crossroads of major roads on the way from the center in a residential area, close to major universities.

AntikastingVy never paid attention to the fact that McDonald's hard to find a nice co-worker? All the girls are dressed in a shapeless uniform, not only emphasizing the dignity of the figure, but it pretty ugly? This is a principled policy of the company. Moreover, girls are not allowed to make a noticeable makeup, wear jewelry, wear perfume, and paint your nails grow.

  • Up to 70-ies of the last century, worked at McDonald's only men, but feminists have made the work on an equal footing, and operates a network of fast food are required to take and women too. This requirement greatly saddened management - all their efforts on building standards and the conveyor could go to the dogs, the guys will certainly be distracted by girls and even start an affair at work and relationships. I had to look for a Solomonic solution: do not hire beautiful women, and all the other put Male shape
  • After a while, when visitors have become accustomed to female employees, women leadership began to notice that the restaurants there are more families and women in these families were very happy that husbands do not stare at the pretty waitresses , as it happens in other places. Suddenly newfound loyalty bonus of women has become a weighty argument for the preservation of the tradition of hiding female beauty.

    Falling in love with her baby, and the woman you love McDonald's have long realized that the adults do not give them your children, adults and children lead. The child is difficult to deny, especially now, when the parents are very busy and this tormented by feelings of guilt in relation to the "abandoned children". McDonald's system to attract children conceived through in detail: children's playgrounds, birthday parties at a very humane price, distribution of small bonuses kids standing in line with their mothers, attention and patience on the part of staff. All of the above and is directed at the child and his mother - at McDonald's is very well aware of the law "if you want to be in love with a woman, I love her child».

  • The apotheosis of attraction for children is the famous Happy Meal , which in addition to the usual burger, potatoes and drink added to a small toy. All this is packaged in a bright box, and in love with the children when they have their own personal food from his personal box. Toys often issued in series, and if the series came the child's liking, then it is possible that you have to buy it all, and then 8 times to go to McDonald's.
  • Merry Clown Ronald McDonald - almost the most recognizable of all fictional characters among children. By popularity is second only to Santa Claus. Clown meets at the entrance to restaurants, starred in commercials, visiting sick children in hospitals. In August 2003, Ronald McDonald has been officially proclaimed the joy of Leader (Chief Happiness Officer «) Corporation McDonald's.

    Default More
  • The standards the company clearly states that if the visitor did not voice portion size potatoes, drinks, ice cream or nuggets in the order, then it defaults to "punch" the biggest. Firstly, so saving time - order must be received within 60 seconds, and if the cashier starts rasprashivat, then all will be even bigger and nervous. And secondly, because McDonald's makes more money.
  • The visitor in most cases will offer to take something else - at the corporate language is called «help» strong >. The prompt usually consists of a sandwich or dessert, the lifetime is on the "bin", a special heated front coming to an end. At McDonald's staff never uses the particle "no" when communicating at the box office - there is fear of the possibility of linguistic programming in denial. Therefore, in Russia the most common phrase "try it?", There are also options for "Will you?" Or "Will you take?».
  • The use of cold drinks during the meal increases the appetite. Therefore, soft drinks (cola, juice) served ice , and hot drinks (tea, coffee) are quite expensive.

    ZasizhivaemsyaEsli visitors will not stay long, then it will not be enough room for new visitors and at the box office will be less money. So McDonald's is making a lot of effort, so you will not stay long, but quickly filled and gone, freeing up tables.

  • some very crowded "Macs" in the United States can even be classified that for food visitor stands out for half an hour , and then a security guard may ask to leave.
  • free Wi-Fi in the Russian McDonald's is relatively recent, and the staff immediately ran into a problem. Young people came, ate a couple of hamburgers and hung in front of a laptop for five hours. The problem was solved radically, silently cutting off all the available outlet in the room hard stools and not the most comfortable sofas in the world - for the same. Although now, with the development of the coffee project MakKafe problem with sofas solved at least part of the restaurant allocated for gradual kofepitiya.
  • energetic fast music in the hall include, not only to You were nice and you cheer up. It is human nature to adapt to the surrounding rhythm, in which case he eats his dinner much faster than it could under some lounge.
  • narrow passages between the tables are made and the reasons save space - climbed to more than seats, and in order to make people feel uncomfortable when they constantly by someone walking and tried to get rid of this discomfort.

    Aromamarketing and secrets of taste
  • For a taste of burgers and potatoes from McDonald's, as well as a tantalizing smell of food, per kilometer flowing around any restaurant McDonald's, meet the artificial and natural identical flavoring and flavor enhancers Therefore, the smell around the window of issue - not a living smell "of the plate," so the smell flavorings , produced by the company «International Flavours and Fragrance». These 3 things: fried bacon and onions, fried potatoes, fresh bread. Scents soaps, shampoos and most popular perfumes of the world produces too «International Flavours and Fragrance».
  • And buns and fries at McDonald's added sugar for better taste and appearance species. Therefore buns look so toasty and potato flavor does not depend on the season.
  • Many believe that in the sandwiches McDonald's includes some chemical ingredients , which is addictive and the desire to eat them again and again. And this polunarkoticheskaya dependence and leads visitors to the poppies, only in her case. An interesting hypothesis, but it or not - know only those units that own major corporate secrets - the recipe dishes.

    Matter of habit
  • People like usual, and they firmly know that today, tomorrow and in five years the taste of a Big Mac is the same in any restaurant network, it has not changed since the emergence of the sandwich in 1967. Therefore, enter the "Poppy" to feel familiar taste The fact that during the meal around a worn employees with rags and brooms, too, is subliminal trust - «there all the time washing, it is clean, so surprises in the form of poisoning and unexpected findings should not be ».
  • And it is quickly and inexpensively.

    Bible McDonald's
  • Even in 1958 there was the first McDonald User , which in detail describes any action the employee of the restaurant: the time and temperature of frying burgers to how to communicate with the visitor. Then in the "bible McDonald's» was 75 pages. Now - 750. And it is registered every step of not only the staff, but we have with you.
  • KKCHD and KKK - two basic principles work All McDonald's. Members of their record and memorize, repeat aloud in unison, like a prayer. For abbreviation KKCHD hiding the word "culture, quality, purity, availability." For CCC, respectively, "the contact koopepatsiya, koopdinatsiya».
    Visitors are always smiling, never rude and say even though the standard, but still nice words. Many people, for example, specifically trying to give the cashier the amount necessary to hear the answer, "Thank you, that without putting." This unpretentious wording already adopted other fast food chains, and even stores that do not have nothing to eat.

    In any case, it is recognized that no matter how we abused conveyor harmful food from the United States, it does not stop there and hardly ever stop.

    Features kuhniRestorany local McDonald's are located in 118 countries around the world and in almost every menu is quite varies greatly depending on the traditions and tastes of residents.

    MakGaspachcho , Spain.

    In Spain, you can taste the gazpacho - a chilled soup finely pureed tomatoes and raw vegetables.

    MakLobster , Canada.

    Several restaurants, "McDonald's" in the northeast of the United States and in the coastal Canadian cities sell rolls with lobster as a seasonal dish called MakLobster.

    Makris , Indonesia.

    Traditional beef hamburger or chicken with special sauce on toast rice cakes.

    Nyurnburger , Germany.

    The burgers stuffed with three Nuremberg sausages and fried onions with mustard.

    See also:
    Secrets IKEA

    Dodge sales

    via www.adme.ru/articles/ulovki-rasprodazh-324655/