MCDONALD'S nonviolent kicked out of BOLIVIA

Bolivia - the first Latin American state, which will have no McDonald's. But few know that this event - not so much the merit of the Government of Bolivia, as awareness of its citizens, who did not succumb to the advertising tricks, thus freeing his country from the domination of fast food! Representing the world famous eateries network officially acknowledged that the sale of hamburgers region were the worst in the world for the past 10 years.
After 14 years of work in Bolivia, McDonald's company was forced to close all its restaurants were located in the three largest cities in the country.
This fact has caused such a severe blow to the corporation management, that she decided to make a documentary "Why the company McDonald's went bankrupt in Bolivia?" In this picture, the creative director of the company trying to answer the question of how, after so many years of advocacy for burgers Bolivians still dare to give preference patties. And usually homemade.
Owners of restaurants, located in cities such as Cochabamba and Santa Cruz de la Sierra reported that the last ten years working at a loss. McDonald's has long pulled the money out of a deep pocket deductible, to extend the life of the business in Bolivia. Any small business, working without profit, would not have lasted on the market and half of the time. Even such persistent as McDonald's can not continue to operate without any income.
So McDonald's Corporation struggled to exist in Bolivia, as much as 14 years trying to win the sympathy of the locals. However, lovers of healthy food, which turned out to be enough in the Latin American country, own purse voted "against". Once in the country have rejected the ideology of fast food, began the planned closing of the restaurant behind the restaurant. So soon enough Bolivians said goodbye to the last restaurant McDonald's. Selecting conscious citizens in earnest inspiring!