As once the sick and physically impaired persons has become a world-famous athlete supervynoslivym

Richard Rolle - one of the most enduring and physically trained people on the planet, a world-famous athlete once had serious health problems. Hectic lifestyle, drugs and spirits drove a Man in a hospital bed. Mental instability, portions of drugs and habitual way of power added to the weight of 25 kilograms, and in the legs are not strong enough to climb the stairs without pain. By their forties Rich mentally was ready for a heart attack, and a radical change in lifestyle became for him the only way to fight for a happy life.
Hard to believe that once the patient and physically weakened by Rich Roll, by 2010, become a world-famous athlete supervynoslivym, one of the two winners, successfully overcame the route in five major Hawaiian Islands during the Ironman triathlon competition. Even harder to believe that their sporting achievements Rich Roll obliged vegetable diet. The motto of his power, he says so:
"Nothing meat, a single gram of poultry or fish, no eggs, and everything is always only vegetable and whole. This is due to what I live and train. This is something of which I am a member. And this is so I'm doing well. »
Today Rich Roll successful coach in the health, popular writer, a husband and father of four children, a source of inspiration and an example of courage for many, shares his story of healing and success.
"I - vegan (ie eat only food of plant origin). And I supervynosilivy athlete that meaning that I'm running for endurance rather than speed. The conventional wisdom is that a vegan simply can not be an athlete - and vice versa. And I want to say that this is nonsense. »
- But how do you get protein
? "Not a day goes by that I have not asked this question. If I had a dollar at least, each time answering it, everyone in my family has traveled to the wheel Tesla.
Most vegans this issue annoying. When you're ready to "fight", they take up a defensive position and wait for the inevitable attacks on herbivores. Because food is a kind of belief system - just like religion or politics, emotions run high. And you do not have time to blink as both sides fly jib. The conversation turns to the debate that too often are accusatory in nature ... It's an endless, hopeless unproductive walking in a circle, which makes each of the parties more deeply rooted in the accepted dogma never lead to constructive results.
And I really do not like it, that's why most of the public believes vegans unpleasant people. I prefer to behave differently, and I welcome questions. If I have something ask I believe that genuine interest - a productive dialogue.
We live in a society in which people deliberately mislead and cause to believe that meat and dairy products are the only valuable source of dietary protein. Without a sufficient amount of animal protein is not possible to be healthy, not to mention the fact, to play sports. Protein, protein, protein - the more, the better. Regardless of whether you are a professional athlete or permanently lying on the couch, this principle is so deeply ingrained in our collective belief system that challenge his legitimacy - is not nothing but a bear
heresy. However, through their direct experience, I came to the conclusion that the common approach of protein - at best misleading, if not outright lies ... Lies, which feeds the well-financed disinformation campaign, due to the interests of the wealthy producers from the agricultural sector. Representatives of the livestock industry are spending a lot of money on advertising designed to convince the public, if it is absolutely necessary these products to continue to breathe the air. The myth of animal protein is not only based on a lie, he kills us, enticing feast on food from factories and farms, filled with hormones and pesticides is low in fat and very high in saturated fat. I remain convinced that such a diet does contribute to the epidemic of cardiovascular disease - the killer №1 in the world - and many other ailments that lead to the fact that my country - one of the most painful in the world
. Indeed, the protein is an essential nutrient that is absolutely essential not only in the construction and rehabilitation of muscle tissue, but also in the maintenance of a wide spectrum of important functions. But there is a difference between the proteins derived from plant and animal products? And how much is actually the protein we need?
Proteins consist of twenty different amino acids, eleven of which can be synthesized by the body. The other nine - those that we call essential amino acids - must be ingested from food. Technically, our body requires certain amino acids, the protein is not as such. The nine essential amino acids are almost the exclusive domain of the animal kingdom. In fact, they were originally synthesized by plants and found in meat and dairy products because animals eat these plants.
Despite the hysteria, entitled "Return butter", recently decorate the cover of TIME magazine, the best representatives of medical science say that casein and whey protein contribute materially to degenerative diseases. Casein - protein contained in milk, - lead to the development of various diseases, including cancer. A serum is nothing more than a highly processed low-grade waste in the production of cheese - another devilishly ingenious invention of the dairy industry, will enable businesses to create billions of material that previously was discarded in the trash
. On a personal example, I can say that after eight years ago, I went to the vegetable way of life, I was able to completely renovate the health and help your body is no longer young feel in a new sport. As hard, perhaps some will believe that my sporting achievements occurred not despite dietary changes, but rather as a direct result of a new way of eating and living.
I'm not alone in this belief. For example, watch the video about the athlete Patrick Beybumayna, who broke the world record for weightlifting, having won more than £ 1,200 - the approximate weight of the car - in Toronto last year
. Or about the double world champion, runner and tracer Timothy Schiff, jumping across rooftops like a video game character.
And you will be surprised, seeing a video about the athlete Frank Medrano - a miracle of nature, which adheres to the vegetable diet. He does things that you previously hardly thought possible.
Then MMA / UFC fighters such as Mac Danzig, Jake Shields and James Wilks.
Or multisportsmeny Brendan Brazier, Rip Esselstin and Ben Bostrom - the world famous motorcyclists, cyclists, winners and participants of the race across America this year
. Professional triathlete and world champion Ultraman Hillary Biscay, who at 36 just swept the race Ironman.
Discover the extraordinary marathon runner Scott Jurek, his fruitarian mentor Michael Arnstein, and my old friend Jason Lester, with whom I finished the Ironman triathlon on five Hawaiian Islands. Jason crossed the United States on foot, and is currently preparing for the 100-day transition through China.
There are, of course, Timothy Bradley Jr., who last year won the boxing match of Manny Pacquiao.
Here's the thing. Each of these athletes, like many others, will tell you the same thing: instead of steak, milk, eggs and whey choose such protein sources like beans, almonds, lentils, hemp seeds, spirulina, and quinoa. Even those not too rich in protein foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes (yams) and bananas, will give you much of what you need.
If you do not eat anything but a variety of fresh fruits, you still do not suffer protein deficiency (or even any particular amino acid). Despite the extremely high loads to which I subjected my body, this type of food for many years have never caused me problems with the formation of muscle mass. In fact, I believe that a plant-based diet significantly improves the ability of the body to the physiological recovery between workouts. I can honestly say that now, at age 47, I was healthier than ever, even than when I was a world class swimmer at Stanford in the late 1980s. And despite all that, you can tell me, I am convinced that more protein - does not mean better. Satisfy your needs - and to this stop. As for the athletes, as far as I know, no scientific study has never shown that protein intake beyond the minimum required (10% of daily calories) stimulate additional muscle growth or faster physiological recovery after physical exertion. And yet most people - with those who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle - tend to consume three times more protein than the body needs
. This overreliance protein is not only useful, but also harmful. Moreover, there is evidence that excess protein is often stored in fat cells, which contributes to the emergence of a variety of diseases, such as osteoporosis, cancer, renal failure and cardiovascular disease.
Still not convinced? Consider this: Some of the most formidable and powerful animals in the world - elephants, rhinos, hippos and gorillas - are herbivores. And no one asks them where they get
protein. "