How to get rid of allergies? After all, spring has already come ...

As you know, the German naturopath Henning Müller-Burtsler all allergic symptoms treated raw food diet. Already gather more statistics people he helped.
According to a lot of different theories have been advanced about the origin and the nature of the allergy. What is it, why some kinds of allergy symptoms are different. Müller-Burtsler explains allergy breach the intestinal barrier. That is, here again all depends on the basis of our health - healthy microflora. When there are violated natural processes as soon as the intestinal barrier passes neprerevarennye proteins (most often it occurs at elevated their content in food) have problems with allergies.
When they get into the blood, our antibodies begin to actively fight with them, of course, trying to neutralize and remembering all the symptoms. Begins the process of rashes on the skin, the appearance of different spots, itching and so on. D. It should be understood that in the first place, to prevent all this, you just need to pay attention to the state of their bowel.
The most important thing in any case do not use any hormonal ointment for the skin. Let say that they are superficial, they are still absorbed into the blood and hormonal disorders lay like a child and an adult.
If there is any allergic manifestations (skin manifestations, itchy nose, cough, etc.), this is the first sign that inside there are processes of decay, fermentation, conflict. So, we need to start from there, rather than to act externally. And this should be how to resolve this conflict as soon as possible the process.
This can help in the first stage a mild laxative, and then adjusting the power to hereinafter simply avoid all the unpleasant processes.
So your actions:
- Purgation once a week (course 4-5)
- Spring liver cleansing (cleaning rate 2)
- Restorative power after cleansing (herbs, juices, cabbage kvas)
- Fasting days combined with
bath - Facilitating their diet. The approach to the raw food diet.
And you will feel positive!
Author Vladimir Kalmykov