Pregnancy on the raw food diet

Friends, your story, I do not encourage you to experiment on his body, and especially in pregnancy. I just want to share the experience that at least it will be interesting to read. We are 7 billion. On the planet Earth, and we are all different. The fact that one great idea to another may not be applicable.
At the time of pregnancy, I was 2, 5, on the raw food diet. Such a diet, I think natural to man, as natural as the birth process, which we presented to Mother Nature! When we hear about the good news, it is not planning to change anything. Of course, we are faced with alternate fear and bewilderment family, saying "the child does not grow", "no bone will form no milk", "will not have the most milk" and many other well-known to all phrases that inspire us since childhood. But surprisingly all waiting to say "I told you so!", He was born completely healthy girl weighing 3700 and all the other post-natal processes were also OK!
How was she pregnant? The first two months were like in space, the body gets used to the condition of pregnancy and refused to waste energy on unnecessary things, this is mainly a rest and I engaged in yoga. During this period, there was no particular appetite and mostly I drank chamomile tea or willow (40 degrees) with honey and lemon, but in order to maintain energy eating fruits / vegetables in the 2nd half of the day. Sometimes, when the weather changes dramatically, I felt pressure surges, but came to the aid of raw chocolate, which included only the honey, cocoa butter and cocoa powder.
I've heard that chocolate is better to exclude in pregnancy because it increases the excitability and nervousness, but in the case of the pressure he was very helpful. Course is strictly strictly exclude chocolate that are sold in supermarkets, because chemical content. substances and preservatives in its composition does not lead to health. You can always make your own chocolate, bought a total of three ingredient recipe and Googling.
On the 3rd of the month returned appetite and energy bunch. During this period, in the course went flax bread, nuts, syroednye cookies and of course fruit, fruit, fruit, especially watermelon))) And then there were thoughts of cooked food, although 2, 5, the Council of Europe was given to me with ease, there was no disruption and even thoughts of Varenko. I thought, what if my body just needed what he asks and decided to cook buckwheat with mushrooms. Boiled buckwheat seemed almost tasteless, and not the same as it was before. Then there were problems with the chair, in this experiment with my cooking has ended.
I easily replaced "boiled desire" syroednoy pasta (zucchini, avocado, greens), syroednym soup, the recipe of which I'll post a few days ago and uttered buckwheat with tomato and linseed oil. These courses became the basis of my Moscow ratsiona.Mnogie probably raise the question of the quality of plant foods in Moscow, it is no secret to the problem of pesticides and GMOs. Yes, today is the problem! But today, there are organic and organic fruit / vegetables have devices that determine the level of harmful substances in foods, there ovoschebazah, which attracts farmers with good local food plant, look and you will find! Options bunch!
Gradually came the third trimester) The time when you can stroke a rounded tummy and feel good baby bumps) in the third trimester, I was lucky to go to Bali, because place for a natural birth has been selected it is there.
Of course all the advantages of the clinic complement the sun, ocean and fresh fruit) from such natural "cocktail" I felt great! At the end of pregnancy, I gained only 6 kg., It appears that someone had told me in the clinic?
So it was the last trimester of waiting for a miracle) The baby is quite healthy and surprisingly family grows plump baby. So do not be afraid costly fears and doubts about the raw food diet in pregnancy. Listen especially to themselves. And if you have questions or interesting to talk I am always happy to answer you. Let's share a robust information)
Author Anna Semeniuk
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