Conversation with the Executioner
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"All the women at you is not enough" - said the executioner
. Well, he's loved and protested.
Is he to blame was the fact that within
loneliness tore wounds to blood?
How could he used to predict,
he could not seize his pile of bodies?
All - good, all managed - shared dining, do not overeat them ...
All the beautiful, gentle disposition,
who vzbryknet - once under the control of
. Women Give him after all - to butterfly and moth does not
. Do not waste your time to "forgive»,
even begging gave:
do not deserve to be on the way
Those who see in everything a failure.
He promised himself always to be presumed innocent,
like God.
God is in what's not to blame,
only little people spoil everything for the future.
He walked on the earth, played,
I breathed a strange spring.
That executioner. In front of him, he stood up.
himself to himself. Under guitar
«battle». "Tell me you are me, my executioner,
How would you have lived my life?
If you empty inside me there.
And just "let go" in your prayers?
If yes hilarious holy only I am,
And in the evening all the wolves howl of anguish.
If you can - when you can not,
Only in them I save myself?
If the wind does not know the circuits,
any systems, tools, words,
if you thought a "doem" - immediately following, together again
. If I was honest in everything,
and he has not delivered, and not lie ...
what would you do, Executioner,
if life does not reproaching? »
But the executioner hands spread,
He says: "It is not for me to judge
. Here ax. Choose you yourself -
it unnecessary to cut off. »
He was silent. He was tired quite
by itself, of its parts ...
He says: "A ruby with a shoulder
. What do you like it - give it to her. "

"All the women at you is not enough" - said the executioner
. Well, he's loved and protested.
Is he to blame was the fact that within
loneliness tore wounds to blood?
How could he used to predict,
he could not seize his pile of bodies?
All - good, all managed - shared dining, do not overeat them ...
All the beautiful, gentle disposition,
who vzbryknet - once under the control of
. Women Give him after all - to butterfly and moth does not
. Do not waste your time to "forgive»,
even begging gave:
do not deserve to be on the way
Those who see in everything a failure.
He promised himself always to be presumed innocent,
like God.
God is in what's not to blame,
only little people spoil everything for the future.
He walked on the earth, played,
I breathed a strange spring.
That executioner. In front of him, he stood up.
himself to himself. Under guitar
«battle». "Tell me you are me, my executioner,
How would you have lived my life?
If you empty inside me there.
And just "let go" in your prayers?
If yes hilarious holy only I am,
And in the evening all the wolves howl of anguish.
If you can - when you can not,
Only in them I save myself?
If the wind does not know the circuits,
any systems, tools, words,
if you thought a "doem" - immediately following, together again
. If I was honest in everything,
and he has not delivered, and not lie ...
what would you do, Executioner,
if life does not reproaching? »
But the executioner hands spread,
He says: "It is not for me to judge
. Here ax. Choose you yourself -
it unnecessary to cut off. »
He was silent. He was tired quite
by itself, of its parts ...
He says: "A ruby with a shoulder
. What do you like it - give it to her. "