Veronica Tushnov. "Do not deny him, loving..."
She was stunningly beautiful and immensely talented. With her poems about love under the pillow asleep a whole generation of girls. Her line sank into the soul and remain there forever. This black-haired delicate and fragile woman with large sad dark brown eyes called Oriental beauty.
She was very soft and friendly, ready to help on the first call at any time of the day or night. She was able to see joy in everything and to say "thank you" for every little...
The poetess Veronica Tushnov was born 27 Mar 1915 in Kazan in the family of a Professor of Veterinary Institute and later of academician Mikhail Pavlovich Tushnov. Her mother, Alexandra Georgievna, a graduate of the Bestuzhev Higher courses in Moscow, was an artist.
He studied Veronica in one of the best schools in school № 14 named after A. N. Radishcheva. In school great attention was paid to foreign languages, French and German, which have been studied since Junior high. Favorite teacher Veronica was a teacher of literature Boris Skvortsov. He supported the obvious talent of his pupil, which always works read in class as the best.
Poems Veronica appeared frequently in the newspaper, her jokes and parodies known to the whole school. Veronica was fond of painting and poetry, but at the insistence of his father who could not tolerate objections, he entered the medical faculty of Kazan University. Medical education she made up in Leningrad, where the family moved in 1936 after his father's death.
In 1938 Veronica Tushnov married psychiatrist Yuri Rusinskogo. In a year a daughter, Natasha. At the same time appeared in print her poems. But family life did not work. Yuri soon left the Veronica. And she did not lose hope that he will return... Because they've grown up daughter, so like her father.
And you come when dark
When the glass hit the Blizzard,
When remember how long
Didn't we warm each other.
The husband really came back when he became seriously ill and he became very ill. He needed help and consolation. And Veronica, stepping over resentment, looked after him, nursed him and his sick mother. "Here, I condemned, but I can't help it... he is still the father of my daughter," she said. Second husband of the poetess became a writer, and according to other sources — a physicist, Yuri Timofeev. They lived together for about ten years. "My mother was temperamental, didn't go in the apartment, and flew, been short-tempered, always do not have time... breaking up with Yuri Pavlovich was for her a very heavy...," said her daughter Natalia.
Having received the diploma of doctor, Veronica Tushnov seriously engaged in poetry. "Before the war I wrote a lot and for the first time have addressed for the help to Vera Inber, — recalled the poet. — On the advice of Vera Mikhailovna I applied to the Literary Institute and was accepted. The war destroyed all my plans. I was a little baby and a sick mother was evacuated from Moscow and worked in hospitals of Kazan".
There, as a ward resident, she was reputed to be the main Comforter could bring life even in hopeless cases and fought for every moment of human life. She literally lived the lives of his patients to heart taking the pain and suffering of others. It was called "the doctor book", because the rare moments of free time Tushnov in his poems. Its often found writing in some small room. From Kazan Veronica returned to Moscow, where he continued to work at the hospital, and in 1945, a literary debut of the poet — has published her collection of poems, which was called "First book".
"... Veronica M. was not an ordinary physician, recalled one of his colleagues of Technoboy that time, the surgeon Nadezhda Lytkina-Kataev, who later became the first Director of the House Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva in Borisoglebsky lane. — She rushed the whole soul and strength into the fate of the wounded, sick, help, like when the SOS signal. She painfully burned about human suffering. From this was born the verses. Wounded loved her admiringly. Her extraordinary feminine beauty was illumined from within, and so calmed down the soldiers when he went Veronica..."
After the war, the poetic fate of Technoboy've been successful. She came out a new book, she led a creative workshop at the Literary Institute, was engaged in poetic translation. Enthusiastic readers copied her poems and learned them by heart. But in my personal life all somehow did not develop. Veronica felt deprived — she had no love, and without love she did not imagine life.
And suddenly fate gave her an unexpected gift gave a second youth, gave a sense, infinite and immeasurable, which completely engulfed it, and brought to life an avalanche of the most beautiful of her poems. It was a love poet and writer Alexander Yashin, born Veronica in one day — 27 March, but two years earlier. "He told me in the air, he told me, and the sky, all without him breathlessly and Nemo..." — wrote the poet of his beloved, and my feelings for him were called "storm, which can not cope" and trusted in the slightest its nuances and modulations of his poetry.
Alexander Yashin wherever appearing, made a lasting impression on everyone. He was handsome, strong man, very charismatic and very bright, "with the habits of the eagle, with the soul of a pigeon, with a cheeky smile, with a smile of child", as he wrote about it Tushnov. The moment of rapprochement with Veronica he was going through hard times — this persecution that befell him after the publication of the story "Levers" in which he told the truth about the Russian village. Veronica, one of the few that supported it, warmed and vivified with his love of his "cloudy soul".
It was mutual love, but hidden from prying eyes — Yashin was a husband and father. He raised seven children from different marriages, and the family of the poet jokingly called "Ashinskiy the farm." His third wife, whom he had met at the Literary Institute, Golden K., also wrote poetry. Yashin could not leave his wife and children because they were too attached to them, but probably Tushnov and would not agree to such a move. Thin, all forgiving, empathetic, kind, compassionate soul, she would not feel happy by making others unhappy. Veronica didn't demand anything from the beloved, agreeing to everything, all understanding and accepting, though to live a lie she, with her open heart and pure soul, was not easy.
Day with you
Months apart...
It's a tradition.
What rare had their meetings in secret, away from prying eyes! And she wanted to constantly be near him. But he couldn't promise her anything, preferring silence. The future of these relations was not, but Veronica was thankful for every hour spent with loved ones. And if she could count in his life only hundred hours of happiness, for her it was a lot... They loved to ride in the suburbs to wander through the forest, dated in the hotels of other cities. Veronica lived in these meetings, they were her whole life. She asked herself: "Why a million? Why no one — not?" and couldn't find an answer...
When the couple returned to Moscow on the train, Veronica, at the request Yashin, went on a few stops early so didn't see them together... But in spite of all precautions, to keep the relationship a secret have failed. Is it possible to hide such a passion.
Of course, immediately rumors and gossip. Friends condemned lovers, in the family of Alexander was brewing drama. Their love was doomed. Alexander took the difficult decision to break up with Veronica.
How Tushnov agonized over his solitude! Throat like a squeezed loop, the heart of the crushed "lump, per ton". She often wandered to the places where they were together. Not being able to see her beloved, she spoke to him poems, which opened a whole emotional universe of the person verses, so heartfelt and confessional that it was perceived as a lyrical diary. Her pain was all in full view. Perhaps unbearable grief, anguish and feelings she was getting sick with a fatal disease.
When Veronica was in the hospital in the Oncology Department, Alexander Yashin visited her. Poet mark Sobol, friends for many years with Veronica, recalled: "I came to her room and tried to cheer her up. She protested: please don't. She was given antibiotics evil, tightening the lips, it hurt her to smile. She looked very bad. Unrecognizable. And then came — Oh! Veronica commanded us to turn our back to the wall while she got dressed. Soon quietly called out: "Boys..." I turned around and was stunned. Before us was beautiful! Not afraid of the word, for it is written accurately. Smiling, with glowing cheeks, no ailments, never knew young beauty. And then I forcefully felt that everything she wrote is true. Absolute and irrefutable truth. Perhaps that is what is called poetry..."
And in recent days, while in severe suffering became unbearable, Veronica did not let Alexander to his room. She wanted to stay in his memory be what it was during the flowering of their love, a beautiful, happy, fun ...
"One hundred hours of happiness" — so named by the poet, his latest book of poems dedicated to Alexander Yashin. In the printing in a hurry, knew that Veronica dies. She managed to hold advance copy of the book, where the verses, she bid farewell to life.
Only life I have is short
only believe firmly and bitterly:
didn't love you their find —
love loss.
A brilliant poet died in the hot summer of July 7, 1965. She's barely fifty. The tragic death of Veronica shook Alexander to the core. Only now he realized how much she meant to him and that no one loved him like she did, on top of being in complete self-forgetfulness. He was unable to live long without his beloved, and in a few years died from the same terrible diagnosis. Do not deny him, loving...posted
Author: Elena Erofeeva-Litvinsky
Also interesting: what we came up with yourself as your happiness...
Sergey Savelyev: Love uncontrollable
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.matrony.ru/veronika-tushnova-ne-otrekayutsya-lyubya/
She was very soft and friendly, ready to help on the first call at any time of the day or night. She was able to see joy in everything and to say "thank you" for every little...

The poetess Veronica Tushnov was born 27 Mar 1915 in Kazan in the family of a Professor of Veterinary Institute and later of academician Mikhail Pavlovich Tushnov. Her mother, Alexandra Georgievna, a graduate of the Bestuzhev Higher courses in Moscow, was an artist.
He studied Veronica in one of the best schools in school № 14 named after A. N. Radishcheva. In school great attention was paid to foreign languages, French and German, which have been studied since Junior high. Favorite teacher Veronica was a teacher of literature Boris Skvortsov. He supported the obvious talent of his pupil, which always works read in class as the best.

Poems Veronica appeared frequently in the newspaper, her jokes and parodies known to the whole school. Veronica was fond of painting and poetry, but at the insistence of his father who could not tolerate objections, he entered the medical faculty of Kazan University. Medical education she made up in Leningrad, where the family moved in 1936 after his father's death.
In 1938 Veronica Tushnov married psychiatrist Yuri Rusinskogo. In a year a daughter, Natasha. At the same time appeared in print her poems. But family life did not work. Yuri soon left the Veronica. And she did not lose hope that he will return... Because they've grown up daughter, so like her father.
And you come when dark
When the glass hit the Blizzard,
When remember how long
Didn't we warm each other.
The husband really came back when he became seriously ill and he became very ill. He needed help and consolation. And Veronica, stepping over resentment, looked after him, nursed him and his sick mother. "Here, I condemned, but I can't help it... he is still the father of my daughter," she said. Second husband of the poetess became a writer, and according to other sources — a physicist, Yuri Timofeev. They lived together for about ten years. "My mother was temperamental, didn't go in the apartment, and flew, been short-tempered, always do not have time... breaking up with Yuri Pavlovich was for her a very heavy...," said her daughter Natalia.

Having received the diploma of doctor, Veronica Tushnov seriously engaged in poetry. "Before the war I wrote a lot and for the first time have addressed for the help to Vera Inber, — recalled the poet. — On the advice of Vera Mikhailovna I applied to the Literary Institute and was accepted. The war destroyed all my plans. I was a little baby and a sick mother was evacuated from Moscow and worked in hospitals of Kazan".
There, as a ward resident, she was reputed to be the main Comforter could bring life even in hopeless cases and fought for every moment of human life. She literally lived the lives of his patients to heart taking the pain and suffering of others. It was called "the doctor book", because the rare moments of free time Tushnov in his poems. Its often found writing in some small room. From Kazan Veronica returned to Moscow, where he continued to work at the hospital, and in 1945, a literary debut of the poet — has published her collection of poems, which was called "First book".

"... Veronica M. was not an ordinary physician, recalled one of his colleagues of Technoboy that time, the surgeon Nadezhda Lytkina-Kataev, who later became the first Director of the House Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva in Borisoglebsky lane. — She rushed the whole soul and strength into the fate of the wounded, sick, help, like when the SOS signal. She painfully burned about human suffering. From this was born the verses. Wounded loved her admiringly. Her extraordinary feminine beauty was illumined from within, and so calmed down the soldiers when he went Veronica..."
After the war, the poetic fate of Technoboy've been successful. She came out a new book, she led a creative workshop at the Literary Institute, was engaged in poetic translation. Enthusiastic readers copied her poems and learned them by heart. But in my personal life all somehow did not develop. Veronica felt deprived — she had no love, and without love she did not imagine life.
And suddenly fate gave her an unexpected gift gave a second youth, gave a sense, infinite and immeasurable, which completely engulfed it, and brought to life an avalanche of the most beautiful of her poems. It was a love poet and writer Alexander Yashin, born Veronica in one day — 27 March, but two years earlier. "He told me in the air, he told me, and the sky, all without him breathlessly and Nemo..." — wrote the poet of his beloved, and my feelings for him were called "storm, which can not cope" and trusted in the slightest its nuances and modulations of his poetry.
Alexander Yashin wherever appearing, made a lasting impression on everyone. He was handsome, strong man, very charismatic and very bright, "with the habits of the eagle, with the soul of a pigeon, with a cheeky smile, with a smile of child", as he wrote about it Tushnov. The moment of rapprochement with Veronica he was going through hard times — this persecution that befell him after the publication of the story "Levers" in which he told the truth about the Russian village. Veronica, one of the few that supported it, warmed and vivified with his love of his "cloudy soul".
It was mutual love, but hidden from prying eyes — Yashin was a husband and father. He raised seven children from different marriages, and the family of the poet jokingly called "Ashinskiy the farm." His third wife, whom he had met at the Literary Institute, Golden K., also wrote poetry. Yashin could not leave his wife and children because they were too attached to them, but probably Tushnov and would not agree to such a move. Thin, all forgiving, empathetic, kind, compassionate soul, she would not feel happy by making others unhappy. Veronica didn't demand anything from the beloved, agreeing to everything, all understanding and accepting, though to live a lie she, with her open heart and pure soul, was not easy.

Day with you
Months apart...
It's a tradition.
What rare had their meetings in secret, away from prying eyes! And she wanted to constantly be near him. But he couldn't promise her anything, preferring silence. The future of these relations was not, but Veronica was thankful for every hour spent with loved ones. And if she could count in his life only hundred hours of happiness, for her it was a lot... They loved to ride in the suburbs to wander through the forest, dated in the hotels of other cities. Veronica lived in these meetings, they were her whole life. She asked herself: "Why a million? Why no one — not?" and couldn't find an answer...
When the couple returned to Moscow on the train, Veronica, at the request Yashin, went on a few stops early so didn't see them together... But in spite of all precautions, to keep the relationship a secret have failed. Is it possible to hide such a passion.
Of course, immediately rumors and gossip. Friends condemned lovers, in the family of Alexander was brewing drama. Their love was doomed. Alexander took the difficult decision to break up with Veronica.
How Tushnov agonized over his solitude! Throat like a squeezed loop, the heart of the crushed "lump, per ton". She often wandered to the places where they were together. Not being able to see her beloved, she spoke to him poems, which opened a whole emotional universe of the person verses, so heartfelt and confessional that it was perceived as a lyrical diary. Her pain was all in full view. Perhaps unbearable grief, anguish and feelings she was getting sick with a fatal disease.
When Veronica was in the hospital in the Oncology Department, Alexander Yashin visited her. Poet mark Sobol, friends for many years with Veronica, recalled: "I came to her room and tried to cheer her up. She protested: please don't. She was given antibiotics evil, tightening the lips, it hurt her to smile. She looked very bad. Unrecognizable. And then came — Oh! Veronica commanded us to turn our back to the wall while she got dressed. Soon quietly called out: "Boys..." I turned around and was stunned. Before us was beautiful! Not afraid of the word, for it is written accurately. Smiling, with glowing cheeks, no ailments, never knew young beauty. And then I forcefully felt that everything she wrote is true. Absolute and irrefutable truth. Perhaps that is what is called poetry..."
And in recent days, while in severe suffering became unbearable, Veronica did not let Alexander to his room. She wanted to stay in his memory be what it was during the flowering of their love, a beautiful, happy, fun ...
"One hundred hours of happiness" — so named by the poet, his latest book of poems dedicated to Alexander Yashin. In the printing in a hurry, knew that Veronica dies. She managed to hold advance copy of the book, where the verses, she bid farewell to life.
Only life I have is short
only believe firmly and bitterly:
didn't love you their find —
love loss.
A brilliant poet died in the hot summer of July 7, 1965. She's barely fifty. The tragic death of Veronica shook Alexander to the core. Only now he realized how much she meant to him and that no one loved him like she did, on top of being in complete self-forgetfulness. He was unable to live long without his beloved, and in a few years died from the same terrible diagnosis. Do not deny him, loving...posted
Author: Elena Erofeeva-Litvinsky
Also interesting: what we came up with yourself as your happiness...
Sergey Savelyev: Love uncontrollable
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.matrony.ru/veronika-tushnova-ne-otrekayutsya-lyubya/