What kind of perennial will take root in a neglected garden

In the world, and especially in Europe, the genus of Veronica reaches 300 species. These are annual, two-year-old and perennial grassy plants that get along perfectly in the garden. Even if you do not have time to care for flowers regularly, unpretentious veronica will wait and delight even the laziest gardener with its blue flowers.

To engage in the garden and garden is pleasant and necessary, because this relaxing occupation gives harmony with yourself and allows you to relax from the daily bustle. So if you haven’t found your hobby yet, maybe planting unpretentious flowers will inspire something more.

Today we will tell you what types of veronics will please the eye for several years and in what conditions they are best grown. Blue flowers in the meadows seem to reflect the sky, but not everyone knows that veronica can be both white and pink. It turns out that we don’t even know the names of all the species of this plant. And these flowers grow all over the world, decorating fields and forest edges.

  1. Veronica's a spike
    The plant with few shoots reaches 40 cm in height. It has oblong leaves and thick inflorescences on the tops of the stems, 10 cm long. Spilled Veronica can be blue, purple, white and pink. The plant blooms in June for a month. It is better to plant in loose soil in an open solar area. Veronica is not afraid of heat and is resistant to cold.

  2. Veronica Armenian
    Native to Asia Minor, this perennial forms small shrubs. The stems are 10 cm long and the leaves are sedentary. The flowers themselves are blue, sometimes pale purple. The plant survives drought well, but blooms in summer, once. This variety is suitable for planting it on the terrace, large areas where the flowers blend harmoniously with the untouched nature.

  3. Veronica is big.
    A flower grows in the fields of Russia, Siberia, Europe. This variety has a cord-shaped rhizome. Veronica grows large up to 70 cm in height. The stems are solitary, thick, and the tops are curly-haired. In the process of flowering, the shoots of Veronica grow along the periphery, it is best to plant these flowers with a solid canvas on a flowerbed or along the fence. The plant is moisture-loving, grows on any soil, can be planted in mixboarders.

  4. Veronica tavern
    You can meet the oak beauty in the fields or in the forest. Veronica blossom - the plant is low, with a creeping rhizome 40 cm high. The leaves are sedentary, and the sinuses of the upper leaves have loose brushes. The variety reproduces vegetatively and seeds. The blossoms of veronica are left with green foliage even in winter.

  5. Veronica is filamentous
    It grows solid carpets on the mountain meadows of Europe. Perennial quickly grows in all directions, covered with blue flowers in the spring. The filamentous veronica has long, thin stems stretching across the ground. They are covered with small rounded leaves, and small blue flowers pull their heads towards the sun on high legs. Flowers can be white or blue, begin to bloom in April.

  6. Veronica stretched. A forest plant can also decorate an empty garden. Veronica has an extended core root and numerous stems. The color can be blue, blue, snow-white and pink. It grows on any soil, and reproduces with cuttings or seeds. You can plant on rocky terraces or create curtains.

  7. Veronica medicinal The medicinal veronics has a creeping recumbent stem, which is why the flowers resemble a bluish carpet 10 cm high. On sandy soils where nothing wants to grow, Veronica will. This can be done both in a bright open place and in a small shade. Propagated by seeds, rooted shoots and cuttings.

  8. Veronica's hot. It grows in the Caucasus, in southern Russia, in Asia Minor. The short plant forms small shrubs 70 cm high. The inflorescences are spiky, and the leaves are rosette, green. The flowers can be pale blue or white with blue streaks. This veronica blooms in June, and survives the winter without shelter. Gorechavka veronica is better planted in an illuminated area, but the soil can be any. It is good to plant such a flower on the terraces.

Veronica is a perennial flowerWhich means she won't be a problem. Winter is cold, but who says you can't plan to plant pretty flowers on a flower bed? It will be time to decide on the composition and variety of flowers and shrubs for your favorite garden, where it is so pleasant to drink tea on a warm day and enjoy the fruits of your efforts.


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