PRODUCTS, relieves edema
Apples Use apples reduces body weight and cholesterol level in the blood, as well as improvement of digestion. It is useful to arrange fasting days on apples, which helps to reduce swelling and eliminate excess fluid from the body.
- Berries
Strawberries, cherries and raspberries solve the problem of edema. Especially useful are they fans of a square meal before bedtime. Try to replace a handful of tea party favorite berries - delicious, useful and without consequences
. - Pepper
Bulgarian red peppers are high in potassium and magnesium. The last, and are responsible for the successful struggle with edema, as successfully removed from the body excess salts and toxins.
- Cucumbers
Cucumbers are especially good help in getting rid of edema of cardiac origin. There are best fresh, such as in a salad with greens and tomatoes. As prevention of edema can be used cucumber juice from a quarter of an hour before meals 2-3 times a day with no spices and salt.
Parsley Accelerating the elimination of excess fluid from the body and speeds up the process of removing edema. Use the evening salad of parsley will save you in the morning from a bloated appearance. However, add the parsley in the breakfast menu also will not be superfluous.
- Dried apricots
Dried Apricot has laxative properties, and has a diuretic effect, which helps get rid of edema, including internal organs. However, it is not recommended to use dried apricots containing foods for those who suffer from hypotension, allergies, diarrhea and asthma.