Why do healthy people and centenarians do not eat bread
"The patient - is slowly dying man.
And the slower he dies,
the more we earn on it. "
(Bakery industry)
- In the United States conducted a study and found out,
that within 15 minutes after a person
eats 100 grams of refined carbohydrates
(Bread, potato chips, sugar, white rice, cookies, etc.),
the function of the human immune system
weakened by more than 90%.
The study, published in the "International Journal of Cancer»
(Journal of Cancer), showed the link between consumption
white bread and increase the risk of cancer.
The study found that people who eat
predominantly white bread (in an amount up to 5 slices per day),
the risk of kidney cancer is two times higher than those,
who eat white bread a little (no more than 1, 5 slices per day).
At one of the congresses on vegetarian diet
in Tallinn in 1990, he made a report in which
It told about the bread. The speaker argued,
bread - a deadly product to human health.
Swelling of the intestinal juices, it acidifies the internal
environment of the body, turning into lumps of clay,
adhered to the walls of the intestine and creating its obstruction.
If the bread would have been useful, why then
many educated workers zoos categorically
forbid them to feed the animals, justifying the fact,
that from it (such a "utility") in begramotnyh
animals (apparently, they did not study medicine and just
I do not know about the "benefits" of consumption
flour product) is volvulus!
Facts: After the famine in Ukraine is very
in 1933 many deaths, especially among children, was not from hunger,
and from overeating once there was the bread of a new crop.
After an exhausting fasting people just could not
resist not to eat to satiety, which leads
to massive deaths from "volvulus».
How prepared bread? Baking bread in the oven
It occurs at about 300 ° C, or in a pan,
where the heat reaches 250 ° C. But carbohydrates and
all other food ingredients treated
at temperatures above 100 ° C are
of itself material, no different
the contents of the cells are dead!
Belly bread, one eats a mixture of dead cells killed.
This explains why from the very bread
easy to choke, they are difficult to have run dry without
miscible with harmful fats, liquids,
which is extremely harmful to the digestive system, besides the bread
It does not contain enzymes, life energy, and vice versa -
he absorbs it attempts to digest dead cells,
which settle in the body as toxins and poisons.
Therefore bread lovers feel fatigue,
laziness, drowsiness, and in the morning have a mucous discharge.
Yogis say that in addition to the industrial bread
Among other things, often contain too much salt.
Most of the rolls, roll, horns contain a lot of sugar,
milk in the recipe often includes eggs. Such bread
considerably more than usual acidifies the body,
can cause fermentation in the stomach and intestines,
It contributes to constipation. A yeast,
included in the dough,
They are the strongest allergens.
From the book "Everything you need to know about the bread"