How to grow beautiful beard: 10 great tips that will help you

Site publishes a compilation of tips for those who decided to be patient, outlined the purpose and moved along the straight road to a bright future and bearded! 1. Why grow a beard? In the first place, it's beautiful. In fact, other reasons difficult to invent. Is that your confession required to wear a beard or just too lazy to shave catastrophically.
2. Grow a beard can any man? No. Some people have a beard does not grow. Grieve not worth it. Beard -. Clearly not the most important thing in life
3. Where to start? Patience. Many are advised to throw away the razor, but it's better to just not do. Razor will need if you want to shape their bristles.
4. Why Patience Patience is necessary in order to not shave his beard for the first month otraschivaniya - most beards killed during this period. There are several reasons: first, in the initial stages of a beard is not very beautiful. Rather, this is not the beard, rather overgrown bristles. Second, at this time you are like most of all a man who just too lazy to shave. Some teams on such people look askance. And often ask: Well, grow a beard? Gradually, these questions begin to irritate. And finally, third: Young beard badly scratched and pricked. Grow, the hairs begin to curl and prick the skin of the face and neck. And it is difficult to bear.
5. What if terribly scratched his beard and tunic? Use special oil for beards. They come with different scents and properties. Some even help beard grow faster. Oils sold in any decent Barbershop. Yet they can be ordered on the Internet.
6. Barberchto forgive? Barbershop. So called hairdresser for men. In good Barbershop almost always sell the means to care for the beard. And there will be able to help with advice.
7. I survived for a month. Now what? Now is the time to go to the Barbershop and choose the form of their future beard. The forms are different:

8. How much time is growing "normal" beard All different - the rate affects a huge number of factors: from genetics to the time of year. There is, for example, a study according to which during the summer months at the British men's beard grows faster than in the winter. But as a rule, the beard becomes a beard for two or three months. Judging by the video, where people do not shave every day and take pictures for six months
9 beard can grow just gorgeous.. Is it possible to somehow accelerate the growth of the beard? It is written a lot of different instructions. If they are to sum up, we can draw several conclusions. Often wash or at least rinse the bristles or beard - depending on what you have achieved. The Barbershop can buy special shampoos beard. Do not forget about vitamins. Eat a healthy diet. Exercise.
10. And if you are constantly slightly trimmed beard - it will speed up the growth of No, not speed
11?.. And what to do now with a beard? Take care of her. Wash, comb. And get ready to receive compliments. Do not forget to smile another bearded. If the beard does not allow to see your smile, wink. When the beard you very tired - give it a new shape
12.. What should I do if I am tired of the beard? Calm down. It happens to everyone. Set a rule: if want to shave off his beard, wait a day and then shave. Never take this decision in a state of depression, or under the influence of alcohol.
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