15 films about love, blow your socks off
Movies about the passion - it is a special genre. In contrast to the "vanilla" comedies and dramas, the plot of which is developing vigorously and funny, and ends the same happy ending, the picture of the fatal passion fly like a storm, and bewitching the soul leaving a pleasant feeling of adventure. Website published a list of 15 such films where love makes you forget yourself and the world around.
Last Tango in Paris / Ultimo tango a ParigiGrandiozny film makes a strong impression on the audience for many decades. No names, no past, no talking - just mad passion in the walls of shabby apartments, which turns to the characters in the whole universe. Contact American middle-aged man and a young Parisian woman becomes a passion that extends almost to distraction, passion, beyond which it is difficult to imagine.
Fault in Our Stars / The Fault in Our StarsHeyzel cancer patients. She goes to a support group, where he met with Augustus Waters and instantly falls in love with him. Augustus and Hazel go to complete the journey of passion, and their goal - to make their last days full of life, love and meaning. They may not have been able to achieve such a close and sincere in his feelings, if they do not realize how little they released.
Beyond / Beyond BordersFilm of love that changes and makes us stronger and better. Young married American Sarah is at the charity event and hears a fiery speech made by Dr. Nick Kellahenom. His call for help the children of countries involved in armed conflicts, changed the life of Sarah forever. She breaks up with her husband and rushes toward risk, danger and ... their love. For ten years, the fate will drive Sara and Nick in various "hot spots" of our planet and love will prepare the real tests.
The Lovers on the Bridge / Les amants du Pont-NeufSilno drinks, fallen street fakir Alex lives in the oldest Parisian bridge Pont-Neuf. One day he meets a young artist Michel, who lost his eyesight, has decided to leave home and friends. Alex and Michelle there is a rapid and heady, but healing for both the novel. Piercing movie that drew the essence of love as it is.
Breaking the Waves / Breaking the WavesEtot film is more like a parable about what can boundless love. Beth Young girl from a remote community in Scotland fell in love with a nice guy - Ian working on a drilling rig at sea. Beth asks God to Yang has always been close to her, and Jan returned to her crippled after an accident on the rig. Love Bess, who wants to save Ian pushes her to make such sacrifices, which very few people on the shoulder
Bitter Moon / Bitter Moon «Bitter Moon." - One of the most complex and rigid films about that can make people love. A chance meeting in the early spring morning in a Paris bus for the rest of life determined the fate of Oscar and Mimi. They are not interested in the sublime love - they wanted to explore their passion. And they succeeded to complete self-destruction
Punch-Drunk Love / Punch-Drunk LoveBarri Egan -. With a bunch of neurotic complexes. He deeply thirty, but he suffers from sudden outbursts of rage, and can not communicate normally with people. With women in particular. But fate has not yet been put on the cross Barry - one day he meets a strange girl who is destined to turn his life. Sincere auteur cinema that reveals Adam Sandler from an unexpected quarter, and thus you it will not see anywhere else
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind / Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindLyubov -. It is a pain, and the fear of being rejected. All true, because the main character decides to erase the memory of his beloved. Only if we are talking about real feelings, you can not just pick up and press delete button. Love hurts, yes. But it's worth it.
Three meters above the sky / Tres metros sobre el cieloDvoe young people belong to different worlds. Babi - rich sweet girl, Aceh - a rebellious, impulsive biker, prone to risk and danger. It is unlikely, almost impossible, but their meeting was inevitable, and there is love between them, which raises above the sky. Love is like an electric current.
Love Me If You Dare / Jeux d'enfantsEto movie about love, but it was not what we are accustomed to see her. It is unhealthy, insane, deprived of frames and borders, finally destructive. A boy and a girl came up with the game "dare - dare not," and they took each other "on the weak". The game grew with them, and once they become adults, but could not stop.
Thirst / BakjwiEto almost "Twilight" is also about love vampire and an ordinary woman, but it is much closer to art and this movie. And - in an adult. Thirst -. One of the most sensual film about the last years of passionate love, sin and redemption
Color of Night / Color of NightBryus Willis plays a New York psychologist who after the tragic event stopped seeing red ( he lost the patient - she jumped out the window directly in the session). He falls in love with a young girl, whose mind is too crippled past events. Heroes are immersed in love instantly, and capture the feeling of their head.
Killing Me Softly / Killing Me SoftlyRokovaya meeting with a compelling and mysterious guy changed the measured life of Alice. She breaks up with a trusted friend and rushes in the arms of Adam, realizing that she had found the second half. It was only after the wedding, Alice realizes that knows nothing about the wife
Wuthering Heights / Wuthering HeightsEkranizatsy famous novel by Emily Bronte a bunch, but this, in 1992, with Juliette Binoche and Ralph Fiennes. - strongest. It is in this film managed to convey all the despair, tragedy and pain of love Cathy and Heathcliff, which was destined to turn and break their lives.
Obsession / Wicker ParkMetyu notices in the restaurant his former lover Lisa who mysteriously disappeared two years ago and passion for which he still possessed. Forgetting everything, Matthew walks the path of deception and suspicion to hunt her. He did not even prepolagaet that blind love made him a victim of virtuosic intrigue
See also:. 25 visually stunning films last five years
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/15-filmov-o-lyubvi-sryvayuschej-bashnyu-1133560/

Last Tango in Paris / Ultimo tango a ParigiGrandiozny film makes a strong impression on the audience for many decades. No names, no past, no talking - just mad passion in the walls of shabby apartments, which turns to the characters in the whole universe. Contact American middle-aged man and a young Parisian woman becomes a passion that extends almost to distraction, passion, beyond which it is difficult to imagine.
Fault in Our Stars / The Fault in Our StarsHeyzel cancer patients. She goes to a support group, where he met with Augustus Waters and instantly falls in love with him. Augustus and Hazel go to complete the journey of passion, and their goal - to make their last days full of life, love and meaning. They may not have been able to achieve such a close and sincere in his feelings, if they do not realize how little they released.
Beyond / Beyond BordersFilm of love that changes and makes us stronger and better. Young married American Sarah is at the charity event and hears a fiery speech made by Dr. Nick Kellahenom. His call for help the children of countries involved in armed conflicts, changed the life of Sarah forever. She breaks up with her husband and rushes toward risk, danger and ... their love. For ten years, the fate will drive Sara and Nick in various "hot spots" of our planet and love will prepare the real tests.
The Lovers on the Bridge / Les amants du Pont-NeufSilno drinks, fallen street fakir Alex lives in the oldest Parisian bridge Pont-Neuf. One day he meets a young artist Michel, who lost his eyesight, has decided to leave home and friends. Alex and Michelle there is a rapid and heady, but healing for both the novel. Piercing movie that drew the essence of love as it is.
Breaking the Waves / Breaking the WavesEtot film is more like a parable about what can boundless love. Beth Young girl from a remote community in Scotland fell in love with a nice guy - Ian working on a drilling rig at sea. Beth asks God to Yang has always been close to her, and Jan returned to her crippled after an accident on the rig. Love Bess, who wants to save Ian pushes her to make such sacrifices, which very few people on the shoulder
Bitter Moon / Bitter Moon «Bitter Moon." - One of the most complex and rigid films about that can make people love. A chance meeting in the early spring morning in a Paris bus for the rest of life determined the fate of Oscar and Mimi. They are not interested in the sublime love - they wanted to explore their passion. And they succeeded to complete self-destruction
Punch-Drunk Love / Punch-Drunk LoveBarri Egan -. With a bunch of neurotic complexes. He deeply thirty, but he suffers from sudden outbursts of rage, and can not communicate normally with people. With women in particular. But fate has not yet been put on the cross Barry - one day he meets a strange girl who is destined to turn his life. Sincere auteur cinema that reveals Adam Sandler from an unexpected quarter, and thus you it will not see anywhere else
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind / Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindLyubov -. It is a pain, and the fear of being rejected. All true, because the main character decides to erase the memory of his beloved. Only if we are talking about real feelings, you can not just pick up and press delete button. Love hurts, yes. But it's worth it.
Three meters above the sky / Tres metros sobre el cieloDvoe young people belong to different worlds. Babi - rich sweet girl, Aceh - a rebellious, impulsive biker, prone to risk and danger. It is unlikely, almost impossible, but their meeting was inevitable, and there is love between them, which raises above the sky. Love is like an electric current.
Love Me If You Dare / Jeux d'enfantsEto movie about love, but it was not what we are accustomed to see her. It is unhealthy, insane, deprived of frames and borders, finally destructive. A boy and a girl came up with the game "dare - dare not," and they took each other "on the weak". The game grew with them, and once they become adults, but could not stop.
Thirst / BakjwiEto almost "Twilight" is also about love vampire and an ordinary woman, but it is much closer to art and this movie. And - in an adult. Thirst -. One of the most sensual film about the last years of passionate love, sin and redemption
Color of Night / Color of NightBryus Willis plays a New York psychologist who after the tragic event stopped seeing red ( he lost the patient - she jumped out the window directly in the session). He falls in love with a young girl, whose mind is too crippled past events. Heroes are immersed in love instantly, and capture the feeling of their head.
Killing Me Softly / Killing Me SoftlyRokovaya meeting with a compelling and mysterious guy changed the measured life of Alice. She breaks up with a trusted friend and rushes in the arms of Adam, realizing that she had found the second half. It was only after the wedding, Alice realizes that knows nothing about the wife
Wuthering Heights / Wuthering HeightsEkranizatsy famous novel by Emily Bronte a bunch, but this, in 1992, with Juliette Binoche and Ralph Fiennes. - strongest. It is in this film managed to convey all the despair, tragedy and pain of love Cathy and Heathcliff, which was destined to turn and break their lives.
Obsession / Wicker ParkMetyu notices in the restaurant his former lover Lisa who mysteriously disappeared two years ago and passion for which he still possessed. Forgetting everything, Matthew walks the path of deception and suspicion to hunt her. He did not even prepolagaet that blind love made him a victim of virtuosic intrigue
See also:. 25 visually stunning films last five years
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/15-filmov-o-lyubvi-sryvayuschej-bashnyu-1133560/
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