Ray awakening.

Awakening Ray switched every 9,000 Earth years and is effective for about 50 years. Its action is based on the law of attraction. When the central Spiritual Sun strengthens its gravity begins rearrangement of forces in the surrounding star systems. Are changing the worlds emerging new civilization fading and old, outmoded forms of social organization, rapidly expanding and the Spirit awakens the consciousness of sentient beings. Everywhere awaken slumbering souls. For the stellar souls trapped on Earth Awakening ray - this is a collective call the cosmic hierarchy of Light, designed to help employees distant frontiers spiritually wake up and fulfill the tasks set by the Creator, and after their performance - return Home
. Now is a time when Spiritual Sun upregulated. We feel the influence of the Cosmic Magnet not only as a spiritual attraction to the mother star, but also as an attempt to meet kindred spirits, find the knowledge of their civilization, to recall a picture of past lives and discover the opportunity to communicate with our cosmic helpers to constantly know how to live our finest people what is happening in their home worlds.
Space is calling, and people have long to hear his call. In recent years, this call is especially intensified because the solar system came flotilla of different civilizations, to awaken their employees as embodied and finally after completion of take them home. Ray Awakening is woven from threads of consciousness sets of distant stars and planets being in deep space. Each incarnation of the employee relies its own separate "thread of salvation," grasping for which he will be able to more consciously live their earthly incarnation and find their way to the space home, where he was waiting for relatives and friends, constantly sending love and support through the space.
A lot of information about quitting is not disclosed, so as not to injure the tender soul, which is unsweetened and so falls in the gross matter. And not all "sleeping" star people believe in the necessity of returning to their homeland. Unfortunately, there is a vulnerable soul, which can not withstand the harsh conditions of the Earth and in anticipation of a return to the stars, deliberately dropping his earthly life, not doing the inscribed program. Often such souls have to return again in the incarnate world in order to complete the unfinished business. Life on Earth - it is a chance to get a unique experience that can not be known on any other planet in the universe. This should be cherished.
Ray Awakening changing magnetic and gravitational fields of stars and planets, so its effect on the Earth passes through the material sun and the largest planet - Jupiter. Cosmic Magnet Central Spiritual Sun collects its particles together - we are with you, the soul star, who came to the edge of the galaxy from deep space. We must go back to its source. Of course, once in a moment we can not consciously rise to higher spiritual realms. First Cosmic Magnet will meet kindred spirits within the earth, then by association vibrations will bring the group to be attracted to the older planets of the solar system. The same cosmic magnet for the solar system to the star Sirius. Objectively, we are now moving in the direction of the Sirius star system, which is the Gate to Heaven, ie in the safe space of the cosmos, where the worlds vibrate along the line of spiritual love.
After Sirius star soul on the line of the Awakening, Ascension will go into deep space - to their home higher worlds. And at the end of the period of the awakening of the beam, we all gather in the central Spiritual Sun in the most delicate stellar bodies, passing the path of purification, refinement and spiritual development to their home planet. But this is still very far away. We are destined to the distant and bright way, and it starts now - at this very moment! Reading these lines, already your mind returns to his native worlds!
Ray Awakening - is a "cosmic alarm clock", indicating that it is time to wake up from the sleep of ages earthly incarnations. The main thing is not to wake this space, "Up", or soul, refused to follow the call of the risks of falling into oblivion for many thousands of years, continuing to subconsciously rotate in the wheel of reincarnation to the next space on the wake-up signal.
Star Lords of Karma say that the stellar soul that once they see or hear the information about returning home, already considered to be alert. At the crucial moment they will be able to make the jump to the beam of the Ascension and return to the Cosmos.
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