Nonlinear logic of Dmitry Medvedev

To begin with quotes: "I emphasize again: the Soviet Union - not exactly the optimal model of the state, and certainly we have not tried to revive him. I remember very well what the Soviet Union, I was born, like you, in 1965, and my whole youth was held in the Soviet period »
"Ten times in the Soviet Union (especially I thought) introduced sanctions: in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1970s. The Soviet Union has changed? No, "- he said
This is from an interview with Dmitry Medvedev "Handelsblatt»
When the head of the government applying for "special path" of the state makes comments on the current situation, it is always interesting. When are some historical analogy - is doubly curious. If the findings also have no present - all wonderful. Three in one.
Not always these factors make friends with the logic, but this is already difficult to do something about.
Of course, the Soviet Union has not changed as a result of the application of sanctions in respect of conducting foreign policy. He simply ceased to exist ...
Wake up, mr Medvedeff
Anatoly Golubovskii