Svetlana Medvedev

Life News reveal the secret identity of the first lady of the country. According to the publication, in clothes Svetlana Medvedev shows patriotism and is the product solely of domestic designers. For the image of the First Lady meets Kremlin's protocol service in the state which has its own hairdressers and stylists. Clothing Ms. Medvedev prefers to choose their own. One of the suppliers of costumes president's wife - Vyacheslav Zaitsev. It was in his clothes was the first lady during a recent official visit to Italy. Hand belongs to a set of designer coats, skirts and hats in the Russian style, in which the spouse of the president congratulated orphanages Gras (pictured). Zaitsev told directly with the president and his wife do not have it to work. He sends sketches of dresses to the Protocol, and then the first lady of their claims. We also know that Svetlana Medvedev loves the product designer Valentin Yudashkin. It is said that the first lady is also engaged in a wardrobe of her husband, helping him in the selection of appropriate costumes.