30 days before his departure, Yudashkin visited Israel to say goodbye to his mother and Pugacheva

The unexpected news hit the entire post-Soviet space. May 2 at the 59th year of life died an outstanding fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin. This is a great loss for the whole world of fashion, because with such people a whole era passes. Recall that in 2016, Valentin Yudashkin was given a terrible diagnosis. A year later, doctors discovered that metastases had already begun to form in the head.

Thanks to his wife Marina Yudashkina fashion designer managed to cope with terrible depression and continue to live. He appeared little in public, but continued to create his masterpieces. In 2022, Valentin Abramovich became a little easier. In the summer there was a show of his new collection, which Valentine attended personally. For the New Year holidays, he flew with his wife to Dubai, where they live. Yudashkin: daughter Galina with her husband and children. Grandsons in the life of Valentin Yudashkin took a separate place of honor.

In early 2023, Marina and Valentin Yudashkin celebrated their wedding anniversary. They lived together 35 years. And in March 2023, they flew to Tel Aviv for a couple of days to visit Valentin’s mother and family friend Alla Pugacheva.

Instagram / @marinayudashkina Photos posted by Marina's wife show Valentin Yudashkin feeling much better. He smiled and was happy to meet his family and friends. Many were sure that foreign doctors were engaged in the treatment of the fashion designer, but, as it became known, he was treated in Russia.

Instagram / @marinayudashkina And now the beginning of May was shocked by the terrible news: the master of Russian fashion has left this world. Farewell to Valentin Yudashkin is scheduled for May 6. The designer will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. To come to say goodbye to a friend is going and Alla Borisovna. They were friends for 30 years and were each other’s most loyal fans.

Instagram / @yudashkin_academy Diva was one of the first to learn about the serious illness of Valentin Yudashkin. When he told her about it, she was silent for a long time, there was fear and panic on her face. As Valentin Abramovich himself told, he first saw Alla Borisovna confused. She, always so confident and steadfast, in the first minutes did not even know what to say.

All these long years of illness Alla Pugacheva very carefully helped Valentine morally cope with her. She was looking for the best doctors, along with his wife Marina supported the fashion designer and did not let her give up.

Instagram / @marinayudashkina According to some reports, the diva flew to Moscow to say goodbye to a friend. But the singer has not yet commented on this, and her personal assistant does not yet know about the plans of Alla Borisovna.

Instagram / @marinayudashkina Alas, the disease spares no one. And the most beautiful and talented people leave early. Valentin Yudashkin left a huge mark in fashion. His outfits are known all over the world. His business will live on, he created a fashion Academy and studio will continue to dress fashionistas around the world. But there will be no new images and embodiment of Valentin Yudashkin’s fantasies.

Our team brings sincere condolences to the family and friends of the great master of Russian fashion.


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