Only the most attentive savvy will be able to find what is hidden among the eight in six seconds.

With all modern gadgets people became smarterAnd that's hard to argue with. But the abundance of information from all sides quickly get tired, lose concentration, become inattentive. It gets to the point that you simply can not concentrate on solving even quite ordinary tasks.

And today's edition. "Site" It invites readers to deal with a few fairly simple tasks where you need to be attentive. See how easy optical illusions are for you. And try to cope as quickly as possible.

People got smarter.
  1. The first task can be considered warm-up, because it is the simplest. You've seen him at the preview before. Among these eight, only one triple is hidden. Can you find her in less than 10 seconds? Try it.

  2. Now you know what to look for. But in the second task, in addition to the set of eights, there are already two numbers "3". Try to find them as quickly as possible. They're definitely here, just take a look.

  3. In the third task, the font is even smaller, and the numbers “3” are already three pieces. And to quickly cope in this case, you need to be quite attentive person. However, 15 seconds should be enough to search.

  4. In the last task again you need to look for threes, but here we will not say how many. Try to find everything. If you can do it in 20-25 seconds, it can be considered a great result. Check out our tips and answers in the second part of the article.

Tips and answers
  1. You probably didn't have to look for that three. It is located almost at the end of the fifth horizontal row.

  2. Here the font already complicates the task, but quickly cope again quite possible. The first three is hidden in the third horizontal row, and the second in the last. 673215

  3. Here the first three can be found at the beginning of the third horizontal row. And two more three are in the penultimate and last rows.

  4. In the last task, you need to find five triples at once. They are located in the first, fourth, fifth, sixth and last rows. Any luck finding everything?

Share your results in comments with other readers. Also solve tricky examples from the school curriculum. And also try to deal with interesting puzzles, where you will have to think carefully.


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