Why the stars adored wedding dresses from Yudashkin: look how good Korolyova in the outfit

Wedding dresses by Valentin Yudashkin - a separate chapter in the work of the fashion designer. We decided to remember who the famous designer dressed for the celebration and what his creations looked like. We will honor the memory of the master and share with you the beauty!

Valentin Yudashkin’s dresses Valentin Yudashkin devoted his whole life to the design craft. He was known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. She regularly shows her clothes abroad. And his outfits simply adored Russian pop stars.

The master created not only stage costumes, but also wedding dresses. To go under the crown in a luxurious image from the great designer was expensive. Both figuratively and literally. For example, the wedding dress that Yudashkin created for his daughter Galina, cost the amount for which you could buy a car of a prestigious brand.

Instagram / @gyudashkina For his beloved daughter Valentine was ready for anything. He made as many as 3 dresses for Galina, and worked in the workshop personally all day long. The most important outfit in which the girl went under the crown together with her husband Peter Maksakov, the couturier embroidered by hand. The work was 44 meters of silk, 34 thousand pearls and about 300 beads. Unthinkable scale!

The other two dresses looked just as luxurious. In one, the daughter-in-law welcomed guests at a restaurant. Yudashkin tried his best and also embroidered it with pearls. And in the third dress, Galina could dance all night. It was comfortable and did not hinder movement. With the help of these outfits, the caring father expressed his boundless love for his daughter.

Valentin Yudashkin’s wedding dresses were the main decoration at the celebrations of various celebrities. For example, in one of these under the crown was the singer Glucose. Natalia Ionova got married in 2006. Then she was only 20 years old, and her chosen one was businessman Alexander Chistyakov. The man was 13 years older than his beloved. Many people say that this marriage is unlikely to last long. However, the couple are still together. They're raising two children.

The wedding dress of the singer was not very popular. Not everyone knew what the creator was up to. However, Glucose herself was satisfied with the dress. It fully corresponded to the taste preferences of the singer.

Wedding dresses fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin created a wedding dress for Tatiana Navka. In 2015, the skater married the press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov. The lovers hid their relationship for several years, since the man was already married. But then Tatiana gave birth to a daughter, and everyone learned about the affair.

Instagram / @tatiana_navka The wedding was attended by a huge number of VIP guests, and the celebration itself lasted two days. The first of them Navka was held in a luxurious dress from Valentin Yudashkin. With his help, the figure skater turned into a real princess.

In 2017, in the clothes of the master under the crown went Sarina Turkish. The stepdaughter of the famous singer married at the age of 20. Since the wedding was arranged according to traditional Georgian-Jewish motifs, the dress had to correspond to the celebration. Valentin Abramovich did a great job!

In addition, Valentin Yudashkin created a wedding dress for Natasha Koroleva. It was the singer’s second marriage and she wanted everything to be perfect this time. All her most cherished desires the woman was able to realize together with Sergey Glushko. And helped her in this, of course, the fashion designer who sewed the original outfit for the actress.

Valentin Yudashkin always with special trepidation approached the manufacture of dresses to order. Especially if you have known and been friends with the culprit for a long time. It is not surprising that so many people remember the fashion designer with warmth. Bright memory!

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