Food for Thought ... or 35 ... beautiful Jewish proverbs ...

1. Money is not as good as without them bad.
2. Adam - the first lucky one, because I do not have Tiffany
. 3. If the problem can be solved with money, this is not a problem, it costs.
4. God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he listened more and talked less.
5. Yes, God will protect you from bad women, from the very good save yourself!
6. It has become wine - came
mystery. 7. God can not be everywhere at once - so he created mothers
. 8. Do not be sweet - otherwise you will eat. Do not be bitter - otherwise you spit
. 9. Fear front goat, horse - back, fool - from all sides
. 10. Guest and the fish three days begin to smell.
11. The knowledge does not occupy much space.
12. Better a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew.
13. One has to live at least for the sake of curiosity.
14. The deaf hear, like a dumb spoke, the blind saw, the lame how quickly, quickly fled.
15. God protect the poor, at least from the sins expensive.
16. If a charity does not cost anything - would all be philanthropists
. 17. When an old maid marries, she immediately turns to his young wife.
18. Parents teach children to speak, parents teach children to keep quiet.
19. From a distance, all the people good.
20. Maybe the eggs are much smarter than chickens, but they quickly become rotten.
21. Men have more done if women talk less.
22. Good silent harder than to say well.
23. A bad wife - less rain: rain driving into the house, and a good wife expels him from
. 24. The world does not disappear because a lot of people, because a lot of bad people.
25. O Lord! Help me to my feet - I fall and he
. 26. If life is not changing for the better, wait - it will change for the worse
. 27. Whatever may be the sweet love, compote from it will not weld.
28. When there is nothing to do, take up the great work.
29. When choosing between two evils, chooses both the pessimist.
30. All complain of a lack of money, but in the absence of the mind -. None
31. Who has no children, educates them well.
32. It is better to die of laughter than fear.
33. Experience - a word that people call their mistakes
. 34. Gray hair - a sign of old age, not of wisdom
. 35. Aging, one sees less, but more than
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There is an opinion, what is the spiritual man, the greater his chance.