5 effective exercises to help conquer your fears

Each person has any fears, and sometimes they seem insurmountable. But in practice, there are simple, simple-to-use methods that are very effective. Psychologist Tatiana Baruch told about some of them.
And Website has decided to share with you.
1. Glass h3> If your fears are related to communication and people, suppressing your personality, you can use this method. Mentally put his opponent into the glass. Do this carefully. Please reduce it to the desired size, clasp and place in a glass. Watch him as he feels in a glass. And how do you feel? The secret is that your brain receives a signal to "belittling" to your problem, and your condition can significantly change. No need to offend anyone in the glass, this procedure is designed to show you that no one is so terrible that could not fit in the glass.
2. Become above h3> In some situations, this method will help you to feel a sense of self-worth. Get up, most importantly, meaningful. For example, imagine yourself in the role of the teacher, and the opponent - the student. Or there is a variant with a therapist and his team. If you have trouble with the images, just to grow. Grow up until you feel big and tall man who is ridiculous to be afraid of these small, frightening you people.
3. Fly h3> The method is suitable if you suffer from a fear of some kind of event or action. Try to mentally find a place where you extremely good and comfortable visit. Every time you hard, you can safely go there to relax and "reboot". This place - your point of comfort and inner balance. You can fly there now, when you want.
4. Tame the fear h3> Try to give form to his fear, visualize it
5. See him in the eye h3> This method is not as effective and have fast action. In other words - a deliberate risk. If you're afraid of heights, you can take a parachute jump or paragliding, afraid of water - you start to go into the pool. Deliberately do something more adventurous, so you can gain from this freedom.
Author: Tatiana Baruch
Photos on the preview: Erin Benzakein
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