The story about the three best friends are in heaven
Fall 3 best friends in heaven and appear before the gates of heaven, where they met the apostle Paul. Women are very pleased that they are in heaven, and ask the saint as yourself need to keep here. He answers:
- Do not worry, enjoy life, just remember one rule: do not tread on
On the same day, one of her friends inadvertently violated the ban and stepped on one of the butterfly, which flew in the garden a huge amount. After a couple of moments before it appeared Paul. Next to it was a very ugly man. Apostle chained him to the violators and said that now it will all eternity with him. Two other friends, not a little frightened by such punishment, have become more careful and cautious, but after a few days the second woman also stepped on a butterfly. Immediately came the apostle Paul chained to her quite ugly man.
A third of them successfully held for several months. But then she saw to it is St. Paul, leading a surprisingly charming, young, slim and attractive man. Paul chained him to the woman and left without saying a word in this case. The woman could not believe his luck and asked the man if he does not know what her so awarded. To which he replied:
- I have no idea what you did ... but I stepped on a butterfly
: Storyfo.ru
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