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An old Hindu legend says there was a time when all men were gods. But they ignored his divinity. And Brahma, the Supreme God, decided to rob them of the Divine Power and hide in a place where she could not be found. However, to find a place like this was a big problem. And he gathered together all the deities Brahma, to solve this problem. And they suggested: "Hide-ka divinity under the Earth!»
But Brahma replied: "No, it will not work. Man starts to dig and find it again. »
Deity offered another option: "Then throw it into the very depths of the Ocean!»
But once again Brahma replied, "No. Sooner or later, man explores the depths of the ocean and finding it, will make to the surface. »
Deities are deadlocked, they did not know where they could hide the divinity. And it seems that there is no place on earth or in the sea, which would have been inaccessible to humans.
But then Brahma said: "This is what we will do with the Divine: We'll hide her in the depths of the person, because it is the only place where he will never seek»
. Since then, the man is worn by the world to explore it all: since he is looking for, going up and down, dives and digs in search of things that can only be found inside!