Beautiful image, describes the soul ...

At the top of a tree sitting bird - an independent, illuminated
inner light. She was always happy, always joyful. She did not need to do anything to maintain their existence, happiness and knowledge. It emits light and grace, and all the wood underneath the bottom is illuminated by this divine light. Bird never leaves his glorious throne at the top of the tree, as it has no desires, there is no need. It has everything.
There is another bird that looks very similar to the first. It dwells in the tree crown. It constantly jumps from branch to branch. She was always hungry and restless. Her desires are countless! But the more it bites, the hungrier it becomes. All of her time looking for new fruits. When you get a sweet - she feels joy and happiness. But a sense of satisfaction instantly disappears, and again she was hungry. Grabbing the bitter fruit - and falls into the horror. She looks around, his eye on the beauty and radiance emanating from the radiant Birds on top. She feels passionate desire to get closer to her, trying to make it. But a moment later her impulse passes displaced by famine, and it will be taken back to find results. Unconsciously, attracted by top bird looking for food, restless bird slowly moving to the top of the spiral.
When it is a short saturation and satisfaction, the bird ceases to rush in search of fruit. Sometimes it flies straight to the upper reaches it. But most of the top promotion takes place slowly, gradually. But the lower the bird close to the top and starts to feel the balance and its radiance.
Our true soul - bird on top. Lower bird, or Mind and Mind - only a shadow of the top birds.
The ritual for the return of the lost plans, showers of particles of energy doubles.
One day a man found an eagle egg and planted his chicken.