Meditation technique on abundance and prosperity:

Totally relax by taking a comfortable position:
Imagine yourself in a beautiful nature in any place - perhaps on a green meadow, where the gurgling brook, or on the white sand near the ocean. Spend some time on the imagination of all the beauty in the details and presents itself greatly appreciate this picture. Now start walking and you find yourself in a totally different situation, perhaps it will be a sea of golden wheat, which is run by the waves, or you'll be swimming in the lake. Continue to wander and discover more and more wonderful and diverse place - mountains, forests, deserts, - enjoy each picture ...
Imagine that you are floating on a boat in a tropical paradise corner, in the dense forests where every tree grow unusual fruits. Imagine that you come to a huge castle, where you will be warmly greeted with music and dancing, you are in the vast treasures and give you untold riches, precious metals, expensive clothes in an amount greater than what you need. Use your imagination, imagining myself traveling the world, you find, or give you everything you need and even more.
Imagine that the world is a wonderful piece of paradise, where everyone's life is full and abundant.
Enjoy life. If you want to go to other planets, where you will find the same abundance. The possibilities are endless! Finally back home satisfied and happy and aware of the fact that the universe is abundant and full of truly extraordinary miracles.
Affirmations on abundance and prosperity
· Our universe is rich and its wealth enough for all. Abundance - my true condition. I am ready to accept it with joy.
· God is unlimited and eternal source of all my wealth.
· I deserve to be rich and happy, I'm rich and happy!
· The more I have, the more I can share.
· Vselennaya- an absolute abundance!
· I am willing to take the richness and joy that life offers me.
· I am responsible for the creation of the world, which should be a place of joy and abundance for everyone.
· I easily and effortlessly towards financial success.
· I already enjoy great wealth!
· Life should bring joy, and I want to enjoy it! Infinite wealth tend to me.
· I am rich in imagination and reality.
· I have the money more than enough.
· I get $ _______ per month, which suits me.
· Every day I am getting richer.
· I'm rich, healthy and happy.