On energy of old things. Energetichekoy practice.
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Old things - a very topical issue. After all, everyone has a home "sacred" room, where you can find everything from magazines to pack unnecessary worn sweaters. Is it good or rather a bad thing? Can things influence the fate of the host?
There are things older, there are things vintage. And that, and another, of course, stores information about events happening to them, in them and on them.
Antiques - this is - rarity dresser handmade, antique dishes, ancient records thinkers and more, exactly like the old stuff stored in the pantry - all, without exception, are the bearers of information.
If you have not yet touched the issue of energy, the reader would like to ask - where it is pleasant to live in a barn with cobwebs, old clogged with unnecessary things, or in the spacious bright room without clutter? The answer is obvious to most. Therefore, I do not recommend anyone to score rubbish shelves, in cabinets to store unwanted clothes under the bed to store old magazines or newspapers (with the thought "What if useful»).
All that is not being used, not clean, not clean - sooner or later acquires a clot of negative energy and the more old things in the house, the greater the accumulated total negativity of this apartment. Some premises and energy to clean the useless no matter how clean - negative comes back from the old stuff.
How to determine what things are energy: positive or negative?
It is very easy to do with dowsing, ie method, which in the old days used to determine the location of water and minerals. Dowsing from 4000 to 7000 years - scientists still argue. Specialists carry out such work, called "dowsers". It was pure energy people who are using simple vine twigs (willow, hazel, elm, maple, and even lilac), pinpointed the location of the water or minerals. Today, most professionals use dowsing "framework" of various configurations or a pendulum. With such a "framework" can find a variety of items - and not just on the ground, but also on the map. Experts pinpoint the whereabouts of missing people who may be hundreds or thousands of kilometers.
Another useful feature - Dowsing allows you to define and abnormal geopathogenic zones of land. After all, energy is not only the small items, but also of entire land. It has long been the people talk about the "godforsaken" and "saints" ("namolennye", "blissful" places, "places of power"). In a good location to build houses and temples. Twisted also tried to avoid places. Unfortunately now this useful tradition lost.
But even without owning biolocation and not knowing what carries the energy thing, it can be "clean" with the help of simple energy techniques. Untrained people have cleaning carried out not once, but over time you can achieve a good result.
What material stores information about the previous owner better: artificial or natural?
I would say to wear natural health useful things. This is due to the number and types of energy in the artificial and natural materials, and the fact that natural materials are natural, and most importantly, proven for centuries, the positive properties. Artificial tissue is often "devastate" person instead of "feed" it with energy.
But the information store any items. Natural them, unnatural - no difference.
If you find that old wooden box has good energy, it is still "clean»?
Well, certainly not hurt, though not necessarily. I'm at home I clean everything in the complex. Minute exercise treatment - and in my apartment all clean. But whether I am sure that tomorrow everything will remain as I did? I'm not hard to clean the apartment every day. And know, energy cleaning is done easier and faster than the usual cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, a rag and a broom.
It turns out that the found stuff too fraught with danger: it is not known what their energy. Some advise to melt them, and some - just to change the new. Is it correct? Why?
You can put it this way: "How come - and gone." If you are walking down the road and accidentally found something - albeit also without the hassle and leave. I say this based on the people's wisdom, but in general any thing which can be removed from the negative. One of the most powerful methods - the fire and water. Hold the item under running water or carefully burn on an open fire - and the thing is "clean". The same can be done with the help of visual exercises cleansing fire or under a flow of a waterfall ... method is more than it seems. However, there is a form of materials or items that are still in time will radiate the same thing as before. Any decoration is a generator of radiation. It is important from what jewelery made and what form is. As an example - I do not recommend to wear an inverted horseshoe, or five-pointed star.
And if found not wearing a thing and put in the locker, for example - its influence diminish?
First, you have contact with a thing as taking it in his arms and carry her home. Second, if the thing is clear, it does not make a difference what she was before radiation. It can be stored in the bedside table, and used. If the item or the negative form of day-to-day returns its negative impact? Clean every day, several times, and wear. Only here I would like to ask: "Why?»
Jewellery, had inherited from her grandmother to a hard life, too, keep risk to a daughter or granddaughter. What do you do with them? After all, does not want to "purify" the thing which is like part of the soul of a loved one ...
The main thing is to love and live the memory in your heart. But things still have to be clean. But visually you can not tell a "brushed" item from the "dirty". After all, what will happen after the cleansing? Article of clothing or jewelry will become more pleasant to wear and they do not generate anything negative in you. However, if you want to find yourself the same disease and that your grandparent - please wear without treatment - your right.