What to talk about our feet?
STOPY- area rich in nerve receptors. Foot massage has a stimulating effect not only on leg muscles. It is beneficial for the whole organism. The foot is an energy window of the body. In traditional Oriental medicine believes that through the stack, you can access any part of the body. Self-massage stop to perform for 10 minutes. We recommend using a massage oil. 1. Pituitary Brain 2. 3. 4. Eyes Cervical spine 5.Traheya 6. Light 7. 8. Ears Thyroid 9. thymus (thymus) 10.Plechi parathyroid 12. 11. 13. Stomach Pancreas 14. The adrenal glands 15. Kidneys Intestine 17. 16. 18. The ureters Bladder genitalia 20. 19. 21. Small intestine hips and knees 22. sacral spine 23. The sciatic nerve 24. Skeletal system 25.Pechen (only on the right foot) 26. Gall bladder (only on the right foot) 27 Appendix (only on the right foot) 28. Heart (only on the left foot) 29.Selezenka (only on the left foot). Foot massage is a must to improve health and prevent various diseases. Each point of the foot is "responsible" for his body, "reflects" its state. For example, cough can be mitigated, massaged point trachea - number 5 in the scheme. 12 points - the stomach, 16 - intestine, 20 - small intestine directly "send" signals to the entire digestive tract. The pressure on the eye point 3 helps reduce eye fatigue and strain. A narrow strip of the inner surface of the foot, between the 4 and 22, engaged in a dialogue with all the spine and ligamentous apparatus. Regularly massaging the area of these points, it is possible to cure low back pain, sciatica, lumbago, myositis. Massage point 19 helps overcome many gynecological diseases. While pushing to the point of 29, responsible for the heart can be removed palpitations, shortness of breath and regain vitality. Daily rubbing area points 17 and 18, responsible for the genitourinary system, relieve cystitis, even those who have moved into the category of chronic. How to massage your feet? To improve the health of the whole organism, to achieve a preventive and healing effect requires full massage both feet. It is desirable to carry out every evening, before night rest. Before the massage a few minutes worth of walk barefoot, stretching the foot: rise on tiptoes, trample, alternately shifting his weight from the internal to the external edges of the stop. Then - take a warm footbath. An important aspect of self-massage is easy to pose, providing relaxing foot - sitting with bent leg when the foot rests on the hip the other leg; - Lying on his back with a raised leg bent. The massage is performed with warm warmed hands. Initially, it is necessary to work on the entire space of the foot. Massaging the foot need fingers of both hands, connecting to the fists and knuckles. Driving Directions: from the fingertips - to the heel. With a total massage to be most deeply massaging the plantar part. Toes - not to press and knead gently from the nail - to the ground. Each finger massaged separately. Circular movements massaged ankle and ankle. All movements should be soft and slightly. During the general massage pressure points are found. This - the risk zone, "window" weakened bodies, which should be taken very carefully. It is not enough just to press the pressure points. It is necessary to act on a massage "neighboring organs", even if they do not serve the point of pain signals. Points of pain should be carefully massaged. Pressure on the painful point and pauses must alternate. The result is correct exposure to the point - the disappearance of pain.
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