Rule of nine cases.

Plan no more than 9 cases during the day - one important on which you need to spend most of the time, minor 3, 5 simple and quite small.

How it works

ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE REGULATIONS FOR those who suffer from the inability to plan their affairs properly, - the so-called 1-3-5 rule. Under this rule, you need to plan not more than 9 cases per day. Thus, unable to perform the 4 pretty important things, and there will be time for 5 small (about which, however, do not forget) - for example, pick up dry cleaning jacket or pay bills.

Unfortunately, the drafting of todo-sheet is not a panacea for those who have problems with doing things on time, or their performance in general. The difficulty may be that the list is too big or unstructured. In this case, the rule 1-3-5 - the perfect solution. There are also similar to the 3 + 2 rule, but by and large it is a variation of the same way to organize your tasks and the scheduled time on them (you can even create your own system: 1-2-3, 2-4-9, etc. to infinity, depending on your lifestyle and the amount of work that has to perform daily).

This rule works because it helps to set priorities and divide the time intervals between the cases, depending on their importance. It also helps in the event of an unforeseen change in the daily chart, or the sudden appearance of important cases is easy to understand how things can move, and with what today is no time.

JACOB Stastny - Developer

"Today, everything seems inundated with endless lists of cases to be resolved. You wake up in the morning, start working, working, working, and at the end of the day realize that you have no idea that in the end done for the day. You know that you have worked and performed some tasks, but does not seem to have finished anything. This is so frustrating!

Making endless todo-sheets only leads to even greater procrastination. What they do need them if there is no use? What is the meaning, if still have to work all day? Common situation? I struggle with it their entire lives. To be productive, you need to see the results every day, must be light at the end of the tunnel, to know that in the end you will have time to spend on themselves.

In the morning you know that you need to make the case a, b, c, d, e. But then something goes wrong with the case b, and you have to spend on it a lot longer than you expected. Consequently, you can not finish c, and d, and finally feel fulfilled enough work. "