The first initiation

Dedicated to aspiring to New Era
* Capricorn - the sign of Initiation.
Dedication - this expansion of consciousness, as a qualitative shift from the previously reached a new, higher, level of consciousness. Large (main) initiations are preceded by small, so they are accessible to everyone, in fact - they are inevitable - it's a matter of time and the freedom to choose! ..
Consciousness - is the experience of accumulated in the cycle (circle) of two phases:
1 - the knowledge of ourselves and the world (a single image split into parts - theory),
2 - application in practice of the life of knowledge (theory), obtained in phase 1 (synthesis as the creation of a more perfect life).
The equality of these two phases ensures constant development (expansion of consciousness). Imbalance leads to developmental delay and backlog from the flow of life.
For example, excessive pumping of knowledge (or unfulfilled dreams and desires) is not confirmed by the practice of application (as well as the implementation of plans and (or) the satisfaction (or purification) of desires), leads to a gradual destruction of the human energy system (from the distortion of consciousness until disease ) due perestimulyatsii (for energy follows thought).
Conversely, burying in the "truth of life", a clue for practice (as well as for tradition, dogma) are not backed up by the knowledge of Regularities (causes) the underlying can cause a "crystallisation" energokarkasa (energy and substance of the past) and locking connection with the Soul (the future), the loss of development prospects, the deviation from the mission (purpose) and the gradual degradation of the individual, until the transition to the "left-hand path."
The breadth of consciousness (or experience value) can be defined as the ability to control more and more space for life as much as possible in less time (ie, with the greatest possible speed), and with the least possible amount of energy and material resources (ie, It can be more efficiently).
Expanding Consciousness - is the accumulation of new conditions for the development of management experience themselves and the world, on the basis of previously acquired (relatively imperfect) experience. Therefore it is possible, not much thinking about the past incarnations, to trust the wisdom of life and to take all life situations arising as karmic (ie, similar to those we have in the past were not allowed), from which we should learn the lessons (and not suffer) and move on!
There are seven levels of human consciousness (see. Chart), each of which is a downstream basis for the next (the principle of nesting dolls).
Each level of consciousness is characterized by the level of achievement of relevant experience.
For example, in ancient Lemurian epoch (about one million years ago) the highest (third) the dedication was to achieve control of the physical body. Today, it is involved in the daily practice of yoga. And for Jesus (of Nazareth), the first dedication was very birth - as the Son of God, his perfect soul once incarnated in perfect physical vehicle.
In our time, a preparatory stage for the first initiation for many people may be consciously and competently performed the post. And in general are not busy at least for the average person the following:
- Know, understand and accept the principle of the unity of life in its infinite development of the laws of nature;
- Aware of themselves as part of a single stream of life (cell single organism - the Tree of Life);
- Maintain a high level of health (psychological and physical condition of the body, enables you to live, communicate, work, create, develop);
- Lead a healthy lifestyle - without bad habits, healthy diet, the dosage load balanced mode of activity (including labor), and recreation (not without having to strain, relaxation - as soon as possible every hour (five-minute), every day (lunch and evening), weekly (weekend) rest or change of the activity, annual (vacation with full blackout at least a week or two, perfect - four weeks)), etc.
- Have a vital wealth (the presence of the material factors of life support necessary to carry out vital tasks, including for basic and 7 types of needs (see. Diagram));
- Optimizing the need - the main principle of life should be a matter for concern, and as long as necessary for the maintenance and preservation of vitality and meet the basic necessities of life (safety, health - food, sufficient comfort - clothes, household items, shelter, etc.) and for the development of all seven levels;
- Ensure that activities, revealing inherent ability to deliver on the vital tasks of implementing human creativity, bringing moral satisfaction and financial compensation (equivalent life costs) and opens up new opportunities for development.
So, bringing their personal lives according to the needs of our soul in the physical vehicle quality, we will expand our consciousness to accommodate the next revelation - the secrets of purified water.
A little more energy flow and give the baton of Capricorn to Aquarius through the mystery of baptism!
We all Health, wealth and purity !!!
© Vladmir Pahomov