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Why do people get sick?

Greetings to you, my dear ones! Many are worried about question- why people get sick. I'll try to cover it, because of their experience of working with people, diagnosing them and work on healing in the higher plane.
The biggest misconception people that the disease begins at the physical level. Of course, it is not. On the physical urovne- disease manifests itself in the very last moment. Whence come the disease?

Everything is energy. Even the physical body-a collection and display of energy. When a person is born, and this is obyazatelno- to the family and with the people at which- overall transformation task in the world, or, as they say mice karma, he has already bears a certain program as a problem, how and what he needs to transform, govorya- and easier to learn anything, in the incarnation. Of course, the imprint of past incarnations, in the form of certain energy fields that vibrate around a person. These polaritons produce a certain vibration and form a human reality, according to these fields. On the higher plane, and of course, as on the physical - it creates a situational number, which involves people with similar goals and vibration. Around of Person formed a certain reality that teaches him. The task of Person to transform the low-frequency field in high. What does that mean and how does it look on the higher plane? A simple example: Let's say a person was born and it vibrates like energy, both quality- resentment, not forgiveness. Naturally, this field- will vibrate and create around certain situations and people, who are so zhe will show this quality and to have it in his field, easier govorya- people who will be hurt. Usually the parents of Person as that vibrate with that energy, so everyone will obizhat-, from early childhood, and vernee- teach. When a person is hurt, and he responds by zhe offense, his energy field that vibrates meste- where exactly this energy- amplified and superimposed. It becomes more and more, causing even more severe wave and on the physical plane, it looks like life situations, with stronger offenders who, by the way, tozhe- came to work at it. But since many of us- do not live consciously and does not understand why this is happening and over the life- only reinforce these fields. Every time a person gets in these low vibratsii- goes layering.

What is disease? That's just bolezni- this as the last warning, it sledstvie- not learned lessons and to flow and the impact of these poley- has on the physical body. Sometimes when I look at the people-the fine plane, already have the disease, and I do know that if a person does not izmenitsya- she will soon manifest on the physical level. Even when we dumaem- that man became ill, because he did not properly pitalsya- it is not so. Man, always-wants to eat something that fits him energetically. And if the person is vibrating at low chastotah- then eat the food he wants vibration free. Hence, we poyavlyayutsya- and "lovers of good nutrition" with anorexia, as there is no power matching. Our meal- always, we must comply with.

And it turns out that if a person is not able to transform this nizkovibratsionnuyuenergiyu- it starts to hurt. By primeru- not learned to forgive, definitely - get the tumor, on the physical level. It is the manifestation of different energies which could not transform. You probably ask me- "But what about the small, ill with the children and those who are born sick?" Finite is the legacy of past incarnations and the choice of the soul, to go through this experience. Any pain and disease-purified and transformed, as cheloveku- bring awareness of his actions, and all life in general. Yes, the key word for all us- this awareness.

If we are, we will not wait for disease as a final warning, and already today- learn to live consciously, with the understanding that we ourselves togo only themselves, form their own reality on the basis of who we are. If we understand all that, if we are not satisfied with our life- the problem is not life itself, but in us. We - the energy, multi-dimensional beings, and how and where we vibrate, then we have.

How to transform the vibration free field? It's very simple! Transformirovat- high vibration energy. Exercise, the qualities and the actions kotorye- just lead you to new realities vysokovibratsonnye field. Instead obidy- Be forgiveness instead zlosti- kindness rather not prinyatiya- adoption. And so all that is you- deliberately. If you do not see in yourself, navernyaka- see someone, and that's exactly what it means- is in you. A person can not fizicheski- get into your reality, if it is not what is in you. All mice, mirror each other and help to see the true essence of everything.

Transforming and tracking every day that we proyavlyaem- we always have the opportunity, as we here- change. Gradually realizing eto- person changes and exits, new levels of your life. Vibration field cleared, layer by layer, and gradually, you begin to notice that the world is not so bad and the people in it, too. You will see that your environment as if changed. The world begins to enjoy you. And you know why? Because You are a started to enjoy it! Everything is-our mirror.

I love you, my family and I wish all- understanding !!!