10 luxury quotes Winston Churchill ...

1. An intelligent man does not make all the mistakes yourself - it gives a chance to others.
2. I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like being taught.
3. Success - is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
4. Pry beautiful woman - it is not simple, because it is not by your words podurneet.
5. I have always followed the rule: do not run, if you can stand; I do not stand when you can sit; I do not sit when you can lie down.
6. Most admired Russian force, and there is nothing to what they fed less respect than for military weakness.
7. Never give up - never, never, never, never, in large or in small or in large or in small, never give up if it does not contradict the honor and good sense. Never give in to force, never yield to obviously superior force of your opponent.
8. In my youth I made it a rule not to drink a drop of strong until lunch. Now that I am no longer young, I hold the right not to drink a drop of strong before breakfast.
9. If you want to achieve, do not try to be sensitive and smart. Use a rough reception. Hit the target at once. Go back and hit again. Then another hit, a major blow straight from the shoulder.
10. I love pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs are looking at us as equals.