25 features the ideal man according to women

site offers you a list of qualities that, according to the author, columnist Arina Vintovkin, should be the man to qualify for the proud title of "perfect" in a beautiful half chelovechestva.Itak that he this makes this the perfect guy, which makes it perfect?
- Any of his argument the opposite sex perfect man begins with the phrase: "Well, first of all, all women are different." And in the course of further debate trying to stay within the framework of this concept.
- Its potency is not correlated with how much he is currently earning.
- Among his former no one true psychopath. And no one Centerfolds also there.
- It "those" feelings with a condom.
- When he is sick, it does not behave that girls secretly want to have this illness has quickly kill him.
- Its range of reactions to life's complexity is not limited to "drink" and "moodily silent all evening, expressive playing nodules".
- On the day of the VDV it is not necessary to catch fountains .
- He knows how to get along with children, even if they have not yet reached the age when they may need help with integrals.
- Among his relatives no one who would have believed that his Former suited him better.
- If he collects something, then it is something oversized, expensive, and anti-dust.
- Doctors puzzled shrug, but he is allergic to Playstation and socks lying anywhere other than the cabinet or the washing machine.
- In nature there is no such kind of sport for which he is able to give up sex.
- He remembers (or know where he is recorded) favorite kind of ice cream, shoe size, zodiac sign and how many spoons of sugar to put a girl in the coffee.
- It is impossible to deduce from itself to such an extent that he used the reception of Ashihara Karate or frying pan to subdue the woman. < /
- Among his best friends there is no one who could say, "Oh, and figs with it! Come better in a strip bar ».
- Next to him, the girls never feel pathetic loser.
- It is able to negotiate with the police, plumbers and weeping women, without resorting to threats and bribery .
- Its body is designed in such a mysterious way that he is never heartburn from that prepared the girl or her mother.
- It is able to say "I was wrong" not only If his Adam's apple rests the crossbow.
- In his travel document always have a valid Schengen.
- He can hear us sing karaoke "Viagra", being sober. li >
- It retains the ability to speak (mouth, ears and intelligently) after the act of love.
- It is able to cook dinner, is not involved in this case all the information at home dishes.
- It does not look less manly and heterosexual when it is worn burgundy velor bathrobe or a sling.
Text Arina Vintovkin source of Men's Health
via factroom.ru