The healing power of energy waves of growth - REBIRTH



Your life unfolds progressive way, resonating with all forms of life.

This evolutionary growth - a gradual, step by step. Be patient and trust the process, which involved. Now you can also appreciate the growth of other people, plants and animals.

Tune in to your body and accept that nature is working very effectively. Talk to your cells and realize that they are aware of your intentions.

If your body and subconscious work together closely enough, you will grow with greater ease, joy and a deep sense of relaxation. Growth occurs both in matter and mind.

Your progressive development is guaranteed, if you fully live every moment. Without hesitation to advance in their growth and development into the unknown and the uncertainty, even though you feel like being fragile and vulnerable.

Takes root, sprouts and flowers bloom.

Visualize and feel the growth in and around them. Growth says: "Take sunlight, air, water and food, and be grateful to the source of all growth.

Transform divergence in the implementation of its objectives. Feel like elements are converted during growth ».


Relaxed I CONFIDENCE STEP BY STEP improve their lives.



You can help the regeneration of the planet through rebirth itself. To do this, you should see eternity in every flower, star, tree, and feel your body cells through the eternal light of love, which knows the unity of your body and all other bodies.

Rebirth can be painful or painless, depending on your ability to turn away from the idea that any development should be slow and consistent.

Rebirth - a sharp mind to switch from the temporary to the eternal. Let the light of love permeates your being through the pores of the cell membrane. It is a real adventure leap into the unknown.

You are unique and at the same time universal. Allow yourself to transcend time and be born again. When you do this, others will follow you, and the planet will be able to be reborn.

Charge and revive their SOUL

Visualize and feel reborn as the radiant flux guiding light in sacred places throughout the world. Rebirth says: "Get out of captivity. Charge and revives your soul ».


I am reborn into eternal being and I live in a daze, which is caused by unknowns.

Based on the book Rowena Patty Kreider "The Healing Power of energy waves."