Understanding the New Age.

Dear, take a deep breath and get ready to meet the many changes. At first glance it may seem that some of them devastating, as they concern the existing systems. However, if you look at the full picture of all the action, you begin a period of great change. At each stage, you will naturally begin to notice them as soon as they take effect. However, if you saw the result in the long term, you have to evaluate each event, as part of a process of change. Most of you already know what the events are for your release from the dark forces, the pressures on you. Mother Earth is changing, and it "will shake" the dark. From time to time, depending on where you are on Earth, it may seem that you are in danger, but remember that change the Earth's surface is inevitable, as is cleaning. Believe that the Galactic Federation will not stand aside at a time and, if necessary, will help to get out of a dangerous place. Try not to be afraid of change, because they do not affect you, if you do not have the karmic reasons. We are often difficult to prevent such circumstances, but we have the authority to help you, and we can move you to a safe place if you are in danger. In your history, many civilizations have disappeared without a trace.
About many things you do not know what is happening, but the Galactic Forces monitor all events on Earth. They are able to direct energy in areas where there is a threat to all forms of life. However, there are times when you need substantial changes land masses and waterways. At such a time as ever, it is important to remain calm and to avoid the impact of their energy to fear. Stay calm and help others do the same. Inevitably, some fear will be accompanied by significant changes, but I can assure people that all this is necessary to improve the Earth. The old that no longer serve any purpose in the new century, has to go to make way for the new. Where possible, the changes will be mitigated to give you any chance to adapt to them. Not one of your civilization is watching for changes, so you can not worry about knowing that higher forces are responsible. These developments are very important to the solar system, that's why they paid so much attention.
With increasing vibration bifurcation. It is inevitable and necessary for the next stage of human evolution. This happens at the end of the solar cycle, and therefore the relationship people have no connection with each other. This gives souls the opportunity to regain access to their development and future, it is necessary to continue the evolution. Your experiences during your lifetime on Earth strengthened in your willingness to serve others, and you will love and appreciate for it. After going through all the evil that you have proved your strength and determination, and are able to handle any situation that may be. Deep down, you will remember that voluntarily decide to go through their earthly events, as anywhere else, may not have such a great opportunity to get things done in such a short time.
Passing through the last remnants of the old cycle, send your thoughts to understand the New Age. He is so different from what you knew before, and will be for you a pleasant surprise, because you will gain a lot of happiness and freedom to follow their own desires. You no longer have to deal with negative energies, and you can go on your chosen path without interference. Many wise soul will assist you in choosing your future plans. So do not worry if you are not sure as to what direction is your life plan. While you are not completely become the Galactic Being, you should not expect a full understanding of what your future potrebnosti.Kak soon as you come out of the lower vibrations, you will quickly forget the trials of life in duality, but will always remember the lessons you learned. Of course, some of you reading these messages have had full consciousness, but lowered their vibration to serve in the lower dimensions. Therefore, your memories of existence in the higher vibrations will return much faster. You know that in his subconscious, and it helps you to be tested. God sustains Unconditional Love to all of you, without exception, and for him all the same. Thus, those souls who feel the lack of Love, should know that respected no less than any other soul.
When you look around, you know, that every soul, you see, just playing your life plan that is appropriate for its needs. Therefore, to make allowances for all the surrounding circumstances, and never forget that every soul is the same as you are, regardless of the way in which it should be. Understanding the truth concerning the life plan of every soul will help you understand that in fact all people are equal. Understanding this eliminates the need for conviction, as all of you - a single unit. For this reason, it is considered that you are - the keeper of his brothers, and all members of the human race should show love and compassion to one another. Knowing this will allow you to send love to those who plunged into darkness, because they need your help more than any other soul, if you want to come back to the Light. They may be awakened by the higher energies, even if abandoned their belief in the oneness of all life.
It is expected that now, after many delays, currency revaluation to occur. However, keep in mind that initially it will be the currencies that are most important for this time. You can regard this as the beginning of the end of the dark features dictate where to go to mankind. You break free from their "prison", keeping you from true progress for hundreds of years. Last time for you was the most important period, when constrained your movement forward and prevented the possibility to benefit from the many achievements. The situation is changing, and many sources are ready to manifest. Still there is a risk for many people to make public its invention, but because a lot of them, they can not hold back any longer. Believe me, if people are willing to go ahead and feel confident that they can do it, they can help.
You are a long time looking forward to change, but for various reasons they were postponed. That time is coming to an end, and there comes a time when those who are in the Light, will have much more freedom to express. Much has been created over the years, and soon will open the floodgates, and sometimes you'll even stunned speed events. In recent years, great progress, and as soon as circumstances permit, the invention will flow in abundance. You may be shocked, but not surprised to learn that you are a strong deterrent for the past hundred years. However, the longer it can not continue, and when the world finally there will be peace, one surprise after another followed. Still there may be unforeseen delays, but changes for your good will at your disposal.
You will learn a lot about their world and how your history books are far from the precision being written without true knowledge. At the appropriate time, your Galactic family will provide you with the opportunity to fully explore your true story. They will be able to illustrate his thesis by showing you the events that occurred in the past exactly as they were in reality. In the full picture you'll see how the human race misinformed about its history, and especially the last period. You will learn the truth about what was behind the causes of two world wars, and that will plunge you into shock and horror, given the huge losses in them. It is impossible to hide the truth and manipulate it, and it is not disclosed to anyone to blame, but to become apparent.
Responsible for your "opinion" in the world will answer a higher power. They will be removed from the Earth, and this ensures that they will not be able to interfere with the new energies. The days are coming when you will be free from any interference, to be able to live as themselves choose, and in the absolute world. To understand this, you need to experience what it is, because words can not fully describe the absolute peace and harmony. Your existing life - it's just a sad reflection of what is waiting for you, so do your best to rise to the higher vibration, and to gain a foothold in them. At a higher level, you will be able to meet his long-forgotten family and true friends who quickly remember once again meet them.
Soon the time will come when people find out what is happening on Earth, and how this affects their future. As one of those who knows more that can help understanding of other people, you will help until the news could not be transferred on an international basis. This will be done in such a way that everyone, no matter where it is located, had an opportunity to receive the information. Our representatives will also be among you, and many are already here and make every effort to inform more people about what is happening.
I leave you with love and blessings, and let the light illuminate your days and the way to completion.
This message came from my Higher Self