WHAT SHOULD be kept secret? Council of Wise Men.
1. The first thing that must be kept secret, the sages say - its far-reaching plans. To keep quiet until this plan is accomplished. All our ideas are not only not perfect, in a huge number of weak points, which is very easy to hit and destroy everything.
2. The second thing that the sages recommend, it does not share the secret of his charity. Good deal - a rarity in this world, and that is why it should treasure it. Do not crack up myself for a good cause. Pride immediately see and take away all the good that has come as a result of this charity.
3. The third, which is not recommended to extend the sages - is its austerity. Do not tell the left and right of your limitations in eating, sleeping, and so on. D. Ascesis physical benefits only if it is combined with the emotional component.
4. Fourth, what should be quiet - it's about his courage, heroism. Someone get the test external and some internal. External tests are seen, so for them, people get awards, but to overcome internal testing, no one notices, so the awards are not assigned any.
5. Fifth, what it is not necessary to spread this spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge has different levels, and should be disclosed only to achieve a certain level of purity of consciousness. The main mistake a novice medium of truth is the willingness to share is too high spiritual knowledge, which, instead of bringing good man, but he was even more confusing and even frightening.
6. Sixth, what is not necessary especially to share with others - talk about their domestic conflicts and generally about his family life. Remember, the less you talk about the problems in my family, so it will be stronger and more stable. Quarrel - is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated in the process of communication.
7. Seventh, what not to say it's about the ugly words that are from someone heard. Can dirty shoes on the street, and you can stain out. And the man who, when he comes home, tells all that he heard from a stupid on the road, is no different from a man who came home and did not take off shoes.
Hard to believe, but this girl '32
Looking at this girl, he saw it as something extraordinary. That abruptly changed her life.