Looking at this girl, he saw it as something extraordinary. That abruptly changed her life.
Stephanie Turner childhood feels like everyone else. She was born with a serious genetic disease - a rare form of ichthyosis. In this disease the skin is covered with scales, which quickly solidified. The skin loses its elasticity and crack from the slightest stress, causing immense pain.
Doctors immediately honestly warned Stephanie parents that the girl is almost no chances to survive. Most were born with this form of the disease die in the first days. However, Stephanie was a real fighter. Contrary to all forecasts, it has managed to survive. Although the disease has caused irreparable imprint on her appearance, she grew relatively healthy.
«My disease gives me a lot of inconvenience. In the sun, my skin instantly hardens and cracks, to hurt me. Not to mention the fact that I was very hard mentally because I do not like it. I am often asked if I burned in the fire. And I do not even know how to respond to it » i>, - shares his experiences Stephanie.
Nevertheless, the appearance of the girl did not for her verdict. Three years ago, she met a guy who is primarily interested in her beautiful soul.
«I've never met a more cheerful person than Stephanie. Even when I myself was not very good mood, she could always cheer me up » i>, - says Stephanie's husband, Curtis.
Like all loving couples, Curtis and Stephanie wanted to have kids. But doctors advised them to refrain from doing so. After all, with ichthyosis pregnancy is extremely undesirable. Skin Stephanie and so extremely sensitive to the slightest damage and deformation. Therefore, there is a huge risk that the development of the fetal skin on the stomach simply can not stand to be all the time the girl to burst and cause untold suffering. Not to mention the fact that through the cracks in the body can penetrate the infection.
Despite the warnings of doctors, the couple did not guard themselves and Stephanie became pregnant. On hearing this, the expectant mother decided to give a chance to your child. The whole pregnancy was held under the enhanced supervision of doctors. Fortunately, their intervention was not required. Pregnancy was uneventful, and at the appointed time Stephanie gave birth to a perfectly healthy little son!
This event is so raised the hopes and Stephanie Curtis that they dared to have another child. And four months ago, their family is replenished wonderful little daughter Olivia!
«How can I just had experienced during pregnancy! I was terribly afraid that my children may inherited by my illness. Fortunately, my fears proved unfounded! And now I can safely say that even my wildest dreams come true! » I> - shares his emotions Stefani.
An example of this woman indicates that even in the most difficult situations you should always hope for the best.
: Ofigenno.cc
Doctors immediately honestly warned Stephanie parents that the girl is almost no chances to survive. Most were born with this form of the disease die in the first days. However, Stephanie was a real fighter. Contrary to all forecasts, it has managed to survive. Although the disease has caused irreparable imprint on her appearance, she grew relatively healthy.

«My disease gives me a lot of inconvenience. In the sun, my skin instantly hardens and cracks, to hurt me. Not to mention the fact that I was very hard mentally because I do not like it. I am often asked if I burned in the fire. And I do not even know how to respond to it » i>, - shares his experiences Stephanie.
Nevertheless, the appearance of the girl did not for her verdict. Three years ago, she met a guy who is primarily interested in her beautiful soul.

«I've never met a more cheerful person than Stephanie. Even when I myself was not very good mood, she could always cheer me up » i>, - says Stephanie's husband, Curtis.
Like all loving couples, Curtis and Stephanie wanted to have kids. But doctors advised them to refrain from doing so. After all, with ichthyosis pregnancy is extremely undesirable. Skin Stephanie and so extremely sensitive to the slightest damage and deformation. Therefore, there is a huge risk that the development of the fetal skin on the stomach simply can not stand to be all the time the girl to burst and cause untold suffering. Not to mention the fact that through the cracks in the body can penetrate the infection.

Despite the warnings of doctors, the couple did not guard themselves and Stephanie became pregnant. On hearing this, the expectant mother decided to give a chance to your child. The whole pregnancy was held under the enhanced supervision of doctors. Fortunately, their intervention was not required. Pregnancy was uneventful, and at the appointed time Stephanie gave birth to a perfectly healthy little son!

This event is so raised the hopes and Stephanie Curtis that they dared to have another child. And four months ago, their family is replenished wonderful little daughter Olivia!

«How can I just had experienced during pregnancy! I was terribly afraid that my children may inherited by my illness. Fortunately, my fears proved unfounded! And now I can safely say that even my wildest dreams come true! » I> - shares his emotions Stefani.

An example of this woman indicates that even in the most difficult situations you should always hope for the best.
: Ofigenno.cc
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