Gifts. The meaning of giving and taking:

On the eve of every holiday and New Year's issue of giving and receiving gifts comes to the fore. What is it really that give or take gifts? The very word gift has already been laid answer ... If the gift from the heart, with a positive message and good feelings, it contains positive energy that is transferred to another person and in some ways even better atmosphere. If you think of feng shui, almost any object has the ability to somehow influence the situation in the room or around the individual. Through gifts may even strengthen ties between people, because they can become another brick in the foundation of the relationship.
All of them like to take, and many even give! There are gifts to the intent is of the soul. There are gifts that are included in a certain system. But it is hardly in the world there are those who are free by definition. In the business environment, the gifts presented by different companies, be it perfume samplers or taste testing of products already included in the price of other goods. They have already paid for the people. When we come to some store, the products which it offers as a souvenir already comes with some sort of commodity that we buy. Either there is a second approach, when a gift is given as a kind of logical chain which is built in accordance with the fact that if a person has received any bonus, the more likely it is after some time again acquire something of the same series that will pay this bonus.
If we consider this tradition of giving and of taking over the relationship of family and friends on any holiday or just for no reason, then there is a gift offered by the soul. And then there are two options, either it does not involve a reverse action, or person hopes that after a while it will come back to it.
Gifts can be divided into three types: the correct (desired), irregular (unnecessary) and money. If you happen to guess what people want and you're presented with what you need, then this gift is automatically included in the system of values accepted with pleasure and then an integral part of human life. If a gift is not guessed, it is gathering dust on the shelf and does not apply to the realities of life in order, who gave.
If the gift is offered with some long-range intent when offered a certain thing, then that is a kind of credit lying within the power of a man who tried. The inconvenience caused by this loan then makes a person to work in the opposite direction and provide the giver in turn kakuyu- is a certain thing, in other words, return the investment that was made.
There are no free gifts in this world, everything is paid for, and if it is not paid now, it would be paid for on credit. If not paid some real money, you paid some action when a person instead of a gift requires material investments in the opposite direction, and attachment emotions, respect, etc.
The next level of gifts - gifts from above, that come into our world in the form of miracles, the materialization of desires. It can also be considered a gift that is offered to the intent and specific calculation of the Upper world that we understand that there is some relationship between the request and the fact that it's in my life backwards. Higher world expects that we zainteresuemsya this process, start to improve spiritually and engage in self-development, learn how to interact with it. Therefore, a godsend - a positive account that you correcting their negative situations in life eventually comes to a good implementation of their pans.
The next level of gifts - information. By submitting man some information on trial is a calculation that the person taking it will understand that the system is interesting, an interesting approach, you can work in this direction. There is another type of information presents when we deliberately fed some information to the blank, which is beautifully decorated, but inside there is no content.
Learn to identify what gifts and with what intent you daryatsya, especially in front of so many public holidays, there will be time to practice and is analyzed.