Porfiry Ivanov - Biography.

Porfiry Ivanov:
"To be healthy, we need cold, hunger and movement! A whole civilization tends to heat, fullness and peace. People do everything to die. »
Porfiry Ivanov (1898-1983) - the legendary "Russian Yogi" and healer, to develop a methodology for an integrated system to achieve physical and spiritual health, explained in his works the causes of disease and health. Author of the popular theories and techniques of improvement of man, based on a combination of moral standards and the system of physical hardening.
His personality has always aroused admiration and controversy, confusion and reverence, rumors and legends. Martial Arts, Tibetan auditory training, Zen Buddhism and other ancient system of healing a man attract now more and more number of fans in Russia and abroad. But every country has its own traditions, its own national characteristics. Carried away overseas treatments, one forgets that in Russia there are systems of healing, no less efficient than yoga or Tibetan medicine. That nugget is unique Russian Porfiry Ivanov.
Porfiry Ivanov was born February 20, 1898 in Ukraine in the village Orekhovka at Lugansk in a poor miner's family in which in addition he had eight children. Porphyry went to parochial school, with 12 years working as a laborer hired by Pan, with 15 years in the mine, in very difficult conditions. There is no profession other than the miners he had and later worked in different places, doing very different jobs.
By nature he was a savvy, smart boy - as they say, "Daredevil." In his youth he was a bully, drank, smoked, liked to take a walk with friends. Um, I have a clear, capable of the imagination, and his life was difficult. Many suffered family Porfiry Ivanov and other poor families from the rich, for whom he is not loved and avenge this injustice. With the advent of Soviet power, he began to try and learn about work, he liked the idea of communism, just society. Although he later, of course, saw all the real injustice of the Soviet regime.
So he lived to 35 years and then his life has changed. Porfiriy wrote about himself: "Childhood, youth and mature years of life I have spent in the same way as all the people. Not weird, I was a man and not have to dignify me honest. I was at one time a robber in nature, robbed her, killed cheerfulness, was not considered as anything else, and built themselves good - doing everything in order to live well. But then he withdrew from it all ... and began to approach to make friends with nature ... "What was the impetus for this?
On Ivanov Porfiriy happened then, in his nearly 30 years is: he got cancer that struck his hand. No one could help him, the disease has already approached the final stage, when he, like all cancer patients who had already laid up and slowly die. Then, in desperation, he decided to speed up the process, even sick any disease. And he went naked in the freezing cold outside to freeze and catch a cold. But the desired result is not achieved, then it is repeated again and, besides, poured the bucket of ice water. But again, to no avail.
Porphyry did this a few days, but instead of the disease began to receive power, the desire to live, cheerfulness. Illness suddenly began to recede. Then he noticed this, he continued his experiments and finally completely recovered. It made a great impression on him. Previously, he was wondering (which for once in your life is given each) why the person is subject to sickness and death, in spite of all the amenities that he is surrounded? And now his head was born the idea: "How so? That which is hidden in the nature of man, it gives him health! »
Thus began his quest to find the answer to this question: "Maybe in nature and in man concealed some mystery?" He gradually began to harden, closer to nature. Gradually began to abandon what separates man from her. At first, he took off his cap and walked and in severe frosts and winds. He wanted to see if he is on the right path, whether as he, other people, and whether they have the same effect recovery. And he began to offer people suffering from various ailments, doing the same as he.
The patients turned out, they were healed - hardening helped (examples of healing). But not all have the courage and the will to start it yourself. Then Ivanov decided to try it, and if he can heal those forces which he has received from nature as a result of its hardening? He always sought to validate the nature of his actions, asking her. And he turned out to heal a woman who did not go for seventeen years.
So it was an experiment: Porphyry tried to be closer to nature. At first, he took off his cap, then gradually shoes, then clothes, stayed in shorts. More and more time spent outdoors. His health was strengthened, he was going to meet all the elements, with whom he met, neither of which was not hiding, was in the nature of a trust for her and love without fear. She is intelligent and living being, giving him the strength and as it taught him, checked his sincerity and show him his mistakes.
Porfiry Ivanov wrote about himself: "I have studied all that in man and nature, weakens and destroys all that strengthens and develops, and found methods, knowledge, methods to develop and manage them for yourself and everyone." As a result, he has achieved what he could spend a week in the desert in the frost naked and without shoes, while it is not sick, I learned to manage with the help of consciousness and will your body and mind in order to avoid an illness, weakness and laziness. He learned to live without food and water without any harm for a long time (the longest of his experiment in this area - 108 days, but it is, according to him, was not the limit of possibilities), and more. At the same time, he began to promote the improvement of its system - a method of Porfiry Ivanov and hardening over the counter and helped the sick, powerless to overcome their illness and get out of bed.