Porfiry Ivanov
It is fashionable now was to pour himself out ice water vedёrochka. But on Russian soil this little surprise anyone)
Porfiriy Ivanov (also known as "Parshek" and "Winner of Nature, the Master of the people, God of the Earth" - the creator of improving and spiritual system, prevalent mainly in the territory of the former USSR.
With 35 years Ivanov following his idea of health and immortality, gradually declined from clothing and footwear, has not yet become year-round walking barefoot, dressed only in shorts. In winter, he demonstrated outstanding capabilities of the organism to carry any cold and frost. In everyday life, I practiced pouring cold water for long periods without food and water, successfully engaged in their healing system, spread his teachings. "Experiment" Ivanov went on for 50 years.
Up to 35 years Ivanov lived most of the people around him: drinking, smoking, gambling loved, fought. In 1928, already being married and having two children, was sentenced to two years under Article 169 (fraud for failure to pay the patent tax). He served the sentence in the logging in the Arkhangelsk region and shock work was released 11 months early.
Radical change occurs in the lives of Ivanov April 25, 1933. He comes to the conclusion that all the "ancestral" order of human life, which spontaneously joined and it is wrong in principle. Seeking only to "good" (to heat, satiety and so. D.), A person receives a "bad" (illness, death). In pursuit of a hothouse, comfortable conditions left by nature, isolated from it. Outside, it is surrounded by clothes and a house from the inside - the food. Ivanov decided to restore the lost contact with nature. In this way he sees immortality. Ivanov wrote that maybe he will not reach the full perfection of his body, but someone had to go this route first.
In the spring of 1934 because of a serious conflict with the authorities Ivanov was dismissed without the right to get a job within 6 months. This period of involuntary unemployment (May-October 1934), Ivanov decided to devote his idea. In shorts and barefoot, long abstaining from food and water, he goes to the Donbas and seeks to learn to live "on a par with nature." Feeling a surge of unprecedented vigor and health, Ivanov comes to the simple idea that if the disease is transmitted from person to person, it can be transmitted and health. He begins to practice healing. The procedure produces very intuitively. Numerous cases of healing, often miraculous, urging him on the right path and force to go further. In the winter of 1934-1935. After healing a paralyzed woman who did not go 17 feet, Ivanov decides to abandon forever the shoe, including the winter. In the spring of 1935 Ivanov fundamentally rejects not only shoes, but also on clothing (always including winter walks barefoot, in shorts)
During the war, the fall of 1942 Ivanov met with the German general Paulus during the dislocation of his staff in the Red Sulina. The result of the meeting was a document of title in German, issued by Ivanov, signed by Paulus. The document says that Ivanov "is of interest to the world of science." In spite of the title of protection, in November 1942, Ivanov was tested 27 days in Dnepropetrovsk Gestapo (buried naked in the snow, at night under the November 22 in the bitter cold on a motorcycle drove naked through the streets of Dnepropetrovsk).
In December 1943, when the outcome of the war was virtually a foregone conclusion, Ivanov went to Stalin with a political proposal to make peace with Germany. However, the naked man in the winter at the station, claiming that he arrived with political demands, the police brought in the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian, where he was about 100 days. The Institute of Serbian Ivanov spoke with Professor I. Vvedensky, and invited him to take on the mission to speak with Stalin about the world. What the professor responded that he for it or shoot, or here, in the Institute of put.
In late autumn 1948 (November 23 - December 5), in the year of its 50th anniversary and the 15th anniversary of his ideas, Ivanov carried extreme experiment - a passage from Tuapse to Sochi along the Black Sea coast. In his writings and stories Ivanov argued that began to take place during the 12-point storm at sea, and it was 12 days in the wild nature without food, clothes and house.
April 25, 1975 Ivanov marks 42 years of his trip ideas large group of people on the hill Chuvilkin (place not far from his native village Orekhovka with whom Ivanov linked the beginning of his ideas). Then he arranges a dinner in nutcracker, which accounts for many villagers. Ivanov said that the Mount Chuvilkinom born a new man ("Son"), which will play a major role in the future. Many followers believe the birth of the "Son" July 15, 1975.
November 4, 1975 - March 5, 1976 Ivanova isolate the duration of the XXV Congress of the CPSU, where he wrote an appeal and was going to go. His chafing from the train to Moscow and placed in a psychiatric hospital Novoshakhtinsk. Conditions of detention in a mental hospital were so hard that Ivanov was brought up to a state close to death. Continuous requests of relatives and followers of the release have been met only the day after the closing of the Congress [note 6]. Ivanov was issued a receipt in critical condition under the care of Valentina Leontyevna Sukharev (closest followers Ivanov more since 1950) and of transported to the farm Upper Kondryuchy. Being in freedom, Ivanov after three days returned to the usual routine of the day, but because of severe pain in his right leg replaces jogging walking. The doctor arrives to testify Novoshahtinsk mental hospital recovery.
In 1978, Ivanov puts experiment on long-term abstinence from food and water. Together with Valentina they Sukharev five months without food, including long periods of time without water. During this period, diaries Ivanov's words appear, which formed the basis for later "Anthem" (8 lines, which in concentrated form, according to Ivanov, expressed the essence of his ideas).
April 25, 1979 on the feast of ideas, expecting a large influx of followers Kondryuchy Upper Farm, where he lived Ivanov, was cordoned off by police and closed the arrival of people to him. Ivanov himself perpetually put under house arrest (forbidden to take people and leave the house below 30 meters). House arrest, which lasted more than 3 years, was canceled after a great article about PK Ivanov "in a half-century-long experiment" in the magazine "Ogonyok».
In total, since 1933, Ivanov spent 12 years in isolation
In general, noble uncle was not a match for the current race.
I have everything ...
Porfiriy Ivanov (also known as "Parshek" and "Winner of Nature, the Master of the people, God of the Earth" - the creator of improving and spiritual system, prevalent mainly in the territory of the former USSR.
With 35 years Ivanov following his idea of health and immortality, gradually declined from clothing and footwear, has not yet become year-round walking barefoot, dressed only in shorts. In winter, he demonstrated outstanding capabilities of the organism to carry any cold and frost. In everyday life, I practiced pouring cold water for long periods without food and water, successfully engaged in their healing system, spread his teachings. "Experiment" Ivanov went on for 50 years.

Up to 35 years Ivanov lived most of the people around him: drinking, smoking, gambling loved, fought. In 1928, already being married and having two children, was sentenced to two years under Article 169 (fraud for failure to pay the patent tax). He served the sentence in the logging in the Arkhangelsk region and shock work was released 11 months early.
Radical change occurs in the lives of Ivanov April 25, 1933. He comes to the conclusion that all the "ancestral" order of human life, which spontaneously joined and it is wrong in principle. Seeking only to "good" (to heat, satiety and so. D.), A person receives a "bad" (illness, death). In pursuit of a hothouse, comfortable conditions left by nature, isolated from it. Outside, it is surrounded by clothes and a house from the inside - the food. Ivanov decided to restore the lost contact with nature. In this way he sees immortality. Ivanov wrote that maybe he will not reach the full perfection of his body, but someone had to go this route first.
In the spring of 1934 because of a serious conflict with the authorities Ivanov was dismissed without the right to get a job within 6 months. This period of involuntary unemployment (May-October 1934), Ivanov decided to devote his idea. In shorts and barefoot, long abstaining from food and water, he goes to the Donbas and seeks to learn to live "on a par with nature." Feeling a surge of unprecedented vigor and health, Ivanov comes to the simple idea that if the disease is transmitted from person to person, it can be transmitted and health. He begins to practice healing. The procedure produces very intuitively. Numerous cases of healing, often miraculous, urging him on the right path and force to go further. In the winter of 1934-1935. After healing a paralyzed woman who did not go 17 feet, Ivanov decides to abandon forever the shoe, including the winter. In the spring of 1935 Ivanov fundamentally rejects not only shoes, but also on clothing (always including winter walks barefoot, in shorts)

During the war, the fall of 1942 Ivanov met with the German general Paulus during the dislocation of his staff in the Red Sulina. The result of the meeting was a document of title in German, issued by Ivanov, signed by Paulus. The document says that Ivanov "is of interest to the world of science." In spite of the title of protection, in November 1942, Ivanov was tested 27 days in Dnepropetrovsk Gestapo (buried naked in the snow, at night under the November 22 in the bitter cold on a motorcycle drove naked through the streets of Dnepropetrovsk).
In December 1943, when the outcome of the war was virtually a foregone conclusion, Ivanov went to Stalin with a political proposal to make peace with Germany. However, the naked man in the winter at the station, claiming that he arrived with political demands, the police brought in the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian, where he was about 100 days. The Institute of Serbian Ivanov spoke with Professor I. Vvedensky, and invited him to take on the mission to speak with Stalin about the world. What the professor responded that he for it or shoot, or here, in the Institute of put.
In late autumn 1948 (November 23 - December 5), in the year of its 50th anniversary and the 15th anniversary of his ideas, Ivanov carried extreme experiment - a passage from Tuapse to Sochi along the Black Sea coast. In his writings and stories Ivanov argued that began to take place during the 12-point storm at sea, and it was 12 days in the wild nature without food, clothes and house.

April 25, 1975 Ivanov marks 42 years of his trip ideas large group of people on the hill Chuvilkin (place not far from his native village Orekhovka with whom Ivanov linked the beginning of his ideas). Then he arranges a dinner in nutcracker, which accounts for many villagers. Ivanov said that the Mount Chuvilkinom born a new man ("Son"), which will play a major role in the future. Many followers believe the birth of the "Son" July 15, 1975.
November 4, 1975 - March 5, 1976 Ivanova isolate the duration of the XXV Congress of the CPSU, where he wrote an appeal and was going to go. His chafing from the train to Moscow and placed in a psychiatric hospital Novoshakhtinsk. Conditions of detention in a mental hospital were so hard that Ivanov was brought up to a state close to death. Continuous requests of relatives and followers of the release have been met only the day after the closing of the Congress [note 6]. Ivanov was issued a receipt in critical condition under the care of Valentina Leontyevna Sukharev (closest followers Ivanov more since 1950) and of transported to the farm Upper Kondryuchy. Being in freedom, Ivanov after three days returned to the usual routine of the day, but because of severe pain in his right leg replaces jogging walking. The doctor arrives to testify Novoshahtinsk mental hospital recovery.
In 1978, Ivanov puts experiment on long-term abstinence from food and water. Together with Valentina they Sukharev five months without food, including long periods of time without water. During this period, diaries Ivanov's words appear, which formed the basis for later "Anthem" (8 lines, which in concentrated form, according to Ivanov, expressed the essence of his ideas).

April 25, 1979 on the feast of ideas, expecting a large influx of followers Kondryuchy Upper Farm, where he lived Ivanov, was cordoned off by police and closed the arrival of people to him. Ivanov himself perpetually put under house arrest (forbidden to take people and leave the house below 30 meters). House arrest, which lasted more than 3 years, was canceled after a great article about PK Ivanov "in a half-century-long experiment" in the magazine "Ogonyok».
In total, since 1933, Ivanov spent 12 years in isolation
In general, noble uncle was not a match for the current race.
I have everything ...