"Dear Mr. Ivanov!
Microsoft Koppopatsiya the wires besppetsedentnuyu share and is offered to you to participate in the programs will "license Plus."
Ppogpammy essence lies in the fact that we translation into your account is $ 4,000 USD, on the eccentricity ppiobpesti you agree to our newest PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii:
Windows XP + and MS Office XP +.
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson »
"Dear Mr. Johnson!
I, as a law-abiding citizen with appreciating peputatsiyu and ppoduktsiyu koppopatsii Microsoft (very populyapnoy in Russian) Your ppedlozhenie seemed very ppivlekatelnym.
From readiness to conclude dogovop is offered to you on conditions.
Sincerely, vpemenno bezpabotny Ivanov »
"Dear Mr. Ivanov!
Chpezvychayno pad that you ppinyat our ppedlozhenie. NAMA known your peputatsiya "hakepa evil" (and ppozvische "evil hac") in a wide kpugah possiyskih "crackers".
Therefore, we hope your example file will change the mentality of people are nezapegistpipovannyh PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii Microsoft. $ 4,000 USD pepevedeny to your account.
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson »
"Dear Mr. Johnson!
Hesomnenno, you know that the latest Microsoft ppedyavlyayut PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii increased tpebovaniya appapatnomu to ensure pepsonalnogo komp'yute.p.
Therefore, I felt it necessary to dedicated ppiobpesti you spedstva komp'yute.p latest models with all the "navopotami."
I am sure that this fact will allow more efficient use of the product, pazpabotannye koppopatsiey Microsoft, which was then, by the way, I did not ppiobpel.
Dear Mr. Johnson! Hastoyatelno pposhu you to allocate an additional $ 4,000 USD per license ppiobpetenie ppogpammnogo provide your esteemed koppopatsii.
Sincerely, vpemenno bezpabotny Ivanov »
"Dear Mr. Ivanov!
Pposhu your pposcheniya us for making a mistake.
Fully odobpyaem ppinyatiya you Solutions and translation into your account with an extra $ 6,000 USD ($ 4,000 USD for the purchase of licensed software ppogpammnogo $ 2,000 USD - in compensation mopalnogo hold harmless).
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson "" Dear Mr. Johnson!
According to our dogovopennosti, I installed the latest software license ppogpammnogo koppopatsii Microsoft (Windows XP + and MS Office XP +).
Ha ppezentatsiyu installation I ppiglasil its dpuzey-hakepov. They began to laugh!
You see, dear Mr. Johnson, my dpuzya never used and license PRODUCT DELIVERY ppinyat this fact it is very difficult.
This is reminiscent of the disease. A disease should be treated.
Is offered to you the result of our therapeutic action spedi shipokomasshtabnoy leading possiyskih hakepov (orders of magnitude of 10,000 people).
The bottom line is offered to the action is as follows.
Since the latest PRODUCT DELIVERY your koppopatsii (by the way, set and cracked in Russia long before the end (or even start) beta testipovaniya US) tpebuet activation pposhestvii 30 days from the start of use, I can gapantipovat that the data of the product, do not be pabotat chepez tpidtsat days blagodapya the created me virii-antiaktivantu.
You understand that pazpabotka virii and Prevalence of its network (not only) tpebuet significant matepialno-vpemennyh zatpat.
Especially my sopepnikami Row are not PC users, and leading hakepy.
According to my estimates, the implementation of the planned actions I need orders of magnitude of $ 100,000 USD. Sincerely, vpemenno bezpabotny Ivanov »
"Dear Mr. Ivanov!
The Assembly of Ha chpezvychayno we passmotpeli Your opiginalnoe ppedlozhenie and peshili matepialnuyu poddepzhku assist you in your volume zatpebovannom.
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson »
"Dear Mr. Johnson!
Razpabotanny me virii put into operation.
Moreover, it has become one of the most virii Prevalence in Russia.
Known antivipusolog Kaspepsky gave him high praise in the journals "Komptep-of press", pointing out that he did not understand how he can pabotat, although he pabotaet At the same time, I began to skew my smotpet dpuzya - leading hapepy.
And, as if mocking me, jointly wrote antivipus allowing aktivipovat, zapazhennye virii-antiaktivantom PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii copies of Microsoft (Windows XP + and MS Office XP +).
I ppedppinyal desperate attempt of verbal persuasion.
However, hakep Sim dug in code licensed PRODUCT DELIVERY and found papu annoying bugs, eccentricity and isppavil.
His inferences he sobipaetsya Wide-obnapodovat under the slogan "Do not you have to pay for the mistakes!"
Vppochem should not passtpaivatsya. I have a new idea opiginalnaya.
I is offered to you highlight spedstva in pazmepe $ 4000000 USD to ppiobpetenie pepsonalnyh komp'yute.p latest generation of Russia's leading hakepami PREDUSTHOVLEHHYMI them PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii Microsoft (Windows XP + and MS Office XP +).
Obpaschayu note that only this can guarantee the use of licensed software ppogpammnogo my dpuzyami-hakepami.
I dare you uvepit that this action will have gpandiozny success pposto because ppedustanovlennoe on komp'yute.p ppogpammnogo licensed software is not logical.
A hakepy - people logic.
Sincerely, vpemenno bezpabotny Ivanov »
"Dear Mr. Ivanov!
Zapposhennye you spedstva on pealizatsiyu shares chpezvychayno great. However, the Council Dipektopov, passmotpev Your ppedlozhenie, it completely odobpil.
Pposim ppedstavit Report on Results tpehmesyachny spok shares of the receipt of cash spedstv.
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson »
"Mr. Johnson!
Your money received. ACQUIRED komp'yute.p and pasppedeleny.
Ppedustanovlennoe ppogpammnogo software koppopatsii Microsoft spazu destroyed by a power-on komp'yute.p nizkoupovnego fopmatipovaniya.
Hopmalnye possiyskie hakepy yuzayut long time Linux. I dare you uvepit that Mastdaynye Vind in Russia, no one will buy.
Especially tepep when I found flawless functioning of the soul.
Ppezident koppopatsii "Hakepy stpan all unite!" Ivanov "
Microsoft Koppopatsiya the wires besppetsedentnuyu share and is offered to you to participate in the programs will "license Plus."
Ppogpammy essence lies in the fact that we translation into your account is $ 4,000 USD, on the eccentricity ppiobpesti you agree to our newest PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii:
Windows XP + and MS Office XP +.
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson »
"Dear Mr. Johnson!
I, as a law-abiding citizen with appreciating peputatsiyu and ppoduktsiyu koppopatsii Microsoft (very populyapnoy in Russian) Your ppedlozhenie seemed very ppivlekatelnym.
From readiness to conclude dogovop is offered to you on conditions.
Sincerely, vpemenno bezpabotny Ivanov »
"Dear Mr. Ivanov!
Chpezvychayno pad that you ppinyat our ppedlozhenie. NAMA known your peputatsiya "hakepa evil" (and ppozvische "evil hac") in a wide kpugah possiyskih "crackers".
Therefore, we hope your example file will change the mentality of people are nezapegistpipovannyh PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii Microsoft. $ 4,000 USD pepevedeny to your account.
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson »
"Dear Mr. Johnson!
Hesomnenno, you know that the latest Microsoft ppedyavlyayut PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii increased tpebovaniya appapatnomu to ensure pepsonalnogo komp'yute.p.
Therefore, I felt it necessary to dedicated ppiobpesti you spedstva komp'yute.p latest models with all the "navopotami."
I am sure that this fact will allow more efficient use of the product, pazpabotannye koppopatsiey Microsoft, which was then, by the way, I did not ppiobpel.
Dear Mr. Johnson! Hastoyatelno pposhu you to allocate an additional $ 4,000 USD per license ppiobpetenie ppogpammnogo provide your esteemed koppopatsii.
Sincerely, vpemenno bezpabotny Ivanov »
"Dear Mr. Ivanov!
Pposhu your pposcheniya us for making a mistake.
Fully odobpyaem ppinyatiya you Solutions and translation into your account with an extra $ 6,000 USD ($ 4,000 USD for the purchase of licensed software ppogpammnogo $ 2,000 USD - in compensation mopalnogo hold harmless).
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson "" Dear Mr. Johnson!
According to our dogovopennosti, I installed the latest software license ppogpammnogo koppopatsii Microsoft (Windows XP + and MS Office XP +).
Ha ppezentatsiyu installation I ppiglasil its dpuzey-hakepov. They began to laugh!
You see, dear Mr. Johnson, my dpuzya never used and license PRODUCT DELIVERY ppinyat this fact it is very difficult.
This is reminiscent of the disease. A disease should be treated.
Is offered to you the result of our therapeutic action spedi shipokomasshtabnoy leading possiyskih hakepov (orders of magnitude of 10,000 people).
The bottom line is offered to the action is as follows.
Since the latest PRODUCT DELIVERY your koppopatsii (by the way, set and cracked in Russia long before the end (or even start) beta testipovaniya US) tpebuet activation pposhestvii 30 days from the start of use, I can gapantipovat that the data of the product, do not be pabotat chepez tpidtsat days blagodapya the created me virii-antiaktivantu.
You understand that pazpabotka virii and Prevalence of its network (not only) tpebuet significant matepialno-vpemennyh zatpat.
Especially my sopepnikami Row are not PC users, and leading hakepy.
According to my estimates, the implementation of the planned actions I need orders of magnitude of $ 100,000 USD. Sincerely, vpemenno bezpabotny Ivanov »
"Dear Mr. Ivanov!
The Assembly of Ha chpezvychayno we passmotpeli Your opiginalnoe ppedlozhenie and peshili matepialnuyu poddepzhku assist you in your volume zatpebovannom.
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson »
"Dear Mr. Johnson!
Razpabotanny me virii put into operation.
Moreover, it has become one of the most virii Prevalence in Russia.
Known antivipusolog Kaspepsky gave him high praise in the journals "Komptep-of press", pointing out that he did not understand how he can pabotat, although he pabotaet At the same time, I began to skew my smotpet dpuzya - leading hapepy.
And, as if mocking me, jointly wrote antivipus allowing aktivipovat, zapazhennye virii-antiaktivantom PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii copies of Microsoft (Windows XP + and MS Office XP +).
I ppedppinyal desperate attempt of verbal persuasion.
However, hakep Sim dug in code licensed PRODUCT DELIVERY and found papu annoying bugs, eccentricity and isppavil.
His inferences he sobipaetsya Wide-obnapodovat under the slogan "Do not you have to pay for the mistakes!"
Vppochem should not passtpaivatsya. I have a new idea opiginalnaya.
I is offered to you highlight spedstva in pazmepe $ 4000000 USD to ppiobpetenie pepsonalnyh komp'yute.p latest generation of Russia's leading hakepami PREDUSTHOVLEHHYMI them PRODUCT DELIVERY koppopatsii Microsoft (Windows XP + and MS Office XP +).
Obpaschayu note that only this can guarantee the use of licensed software ppogpammnogo my dpuzyami-hakepami.
I dare you uvepit that this action will have gpandiozny success pposto because ppedustanovlennoe on komp'yute.p ppogpammnogo licensed software is not logical.
A hakepy - people logic.
Sincerely, vpemenno bezpabotny Ivanov »
"Dear Mr. Ivanov!
Zapposhennye you spedstva on pealizatsiyu shares chpezvychayno great. However, the Council Dipektopov, passmotpev Your ppedlozhenie, it completely odobpil.
Pposim ppedstavit Report on Results tpehmesyachny spok shares of the receipt of cash spedstv.
Sincerely, Manager of Service mapketingovoy A. Johnson »
"Mr. Johnson!
Your money received. ACQUIRED komp'yute.p and pasppedeleny.
Ppedustanovlennoe ppogpammnogo software koppopatsii Microsoft spazu destroyed by a power-on komp'yute.p nizkoupovnego fopmatipovaniya.
Hopmalnye possiyskie hakepy yuzayut long time Linux. I dare you uvepit that Mastdaynye Vind in Russia, no one will buy.
Especially tepep when I found flawless functioning of the soul.
Ppezident koppopatsii "Hakepy stpan all unite!" Ivanov "