Cleansing the space in front of the New Year

In Italy, it is considered that it is necessary to celebrate the New Year, get rid of all the old. Therefore, in the New Year's Eve I decided to throw out the windows of the old stuff. Italians this custom of the New Year very much, and they play it their passion peculiar to southerners: the window fly old irons, chairs and other stuff. According to the signs, vacated during a meeting of the new year, the place is sure to take new things.
Indeed, to the next year brought positive changes to you, you just need to make room for these events.
Everything in this world has its own energy - negative or positive. Every person, every object has its own energy. Your personal belongings - clothes, bedding, kitchen utensils - to some extent also charged your energy. Everyone has favorite things that please him bring positive emotions and pleasant memories. For example, a souvenir that you brought from the sea or a gift to a loved one - these things make you smile. Accordingly, they have positive energy. There are things that you assign negative energy (for example, dress in which you yourself do not like, souvenirs and gifts related to unpleasant events in your life, crockery chipped and cracked). From these things need to immediately get rid of because of their negative energy it applies to you and manifests itself in the form of small troubles and failures.
Also, perhaps, in every house there are old things that do not cause you any emotion, but you simply throw a pity. Although deep down, you know it will never be to use them. Such things simply take away your energy and do not allow to come into your life to something new and more enjoyable.
Therefore, before the New Year is required to perform an audit in his apartment. Throw away all the old, unnecessary, broken, torn and just surviving himself. No need to feel sorry about such things! They do not bring you no good (in the literal sense of the word - you do not use them). If you have clothes you do not wear for three years - give it to someone, do not accumulate rubbish in his home. When you get rid of unnecessary things, you will be easier to breathe.
Favorite subjects, on the contrary, tidy, clean, clean. Check out all my old notebooks, diaries, cross out all the long-forgotten and unfulfilled goals, old phone numbers, unnecessary records. And open a new, blank notebook and write the first page of "My best year." Write down what you want to see yourself in the next year - a healthy, wealthy, beautiful. Please, what is most important to you.
After getting rid of stuff, good clean in his apartment. Wash all to shine.
Light the incense sticks or aromasvechi - walk around the apartment - they destroy the remains negative, stagnant energy. Open the windows, let in your house flow of fresh, clean energy, which is required to bring into your life a happy change!
Then you can begin to prepare for the New Year, which is sure to give you a wonderful event and the execution of all cherished desires!